How Omega 3 Helps in Weightloss

167px-Fish-oil_omega_3Many of us may not be aware about the benefits of Omega 3 in our weight loss efforts. We’re all aware of the importance of eating a healthy diet in curbing and burning excess fats. How many times did you plan to start a diet? Everyone is talking about diet, and then you start picking up low fat or nonfat food in the grocery. But there are certain types of fat that are beneficial to weight loss and this includes Omega 3.

The Science behind Omega 3

Studies have shown that taking fish oil and doing regular exercises can help in weight loss. A study conducted by the University of South Australia on 75 overweight and obese people with some suffering from cardiovascular disease was split into four groups.

The half was given doses of tuna oil and another was given sunflower oil with the same amount without omega 3. Then, they were again split into four groups. The half group was not doing any exercise while the other groups did 45 minute runs with a 75% maximum heart rate every week. This entire group did not change their diet.

Three weeks later, little change was shown by three of the groups, while those given fish oil who did exercises showed a decrease in body fat percentage at an average of 2kg weight loss. What is impressive with this study is that there is no change in their eating habits.

How Omega 3 Helps

Omega 3 fish oil improves the flow of blood to the muscles and it helps stimulate enzymes during exercise. It also transports fat to where it can be used up for energy.

The Omega 3 fish oil diet has a lot of health advantages. We all know that Omega 3 helps improves our brain and heart, arthritis and skin disorder. It also keeps our eyes from getting dry. It prevents allergies, strokes and diabetes. An Omega 3 rich diet helps in weight loss as it involves fewer calories. Omega 3 rich foods makes you fell full and you will not crave to eat.

We can’t produce Omega 3 fatty acids. We can only get this by nutritional intake. Fish oil is its main and most absorbable source. Cereals, eggs, poultry and margarine contains omega 6 which is the other main essential fatty acid.

There are foods that contain Omega 3 fatty acids like pasture-raised meats, Omega 3 enriched dairy foods, Omega 3 enriched eggs, edamame, wild rice, walnuts, canola oil, flax, beans and sustainable seafood.

Aside from this major benefit of Omega 3, it is been found out that it reduce incidence of breast cancer. The Omega 3 consumption of a mother during pregnancy lowered the daughter’s risk of developing breast cancer.

Taking Omega 3 fish oil on the first trimester of your pregnancy also helps brain development for your baby. But, you should be very careful in choosing what brand of fish oil to take. Fish oil made from sharks is sometimes harmful because of the lead and mercury content that they have. You should choose those fish oil made from anchovies because anchovies don’t live for very long that’s why they don’t get a chance to soak up toxins.

There are tips in choosing the best fish oil supplement. You should ask for a certificate of analysis. This is a certificate that tells the details on what’s in the fish oil and not. You should buy products that are tested by a third party. They test fish oil supplements and published a detailed analysis of the result. Pharmaceutical grade fish oil is highly recommended.

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Healthy Weight Loss Post-Pregnancy

absGaining those extra pounds after pregnancy is perfectly normal. But mothers don’t have to live with those extra pounds forever. Shedding extra curves could be tricky. You have to consider that you still have to take care of your baby and skipping on those fats might not be a good idea.

While exercise and dieting remain to be the healthiest ways to lose those pounds, there are serious health considerations. Your body has just undergone major physical changes and hitting the gym can be risky.

Walking is the safest and healthiest way of exercising after pregnancy. It is an excellent way of getting your heart rate up without placing too much stress on your body. You could do it indoors while watching your baby or outdoors when strolling with your baby in the park. Walking does not take your concentration away from your baby. It is a gentle activity that could be done anywhere with your baby. It is also an activity that could help you build better bonds between mother and baby.

You could immediately start walking as soon as you feel strong enough. This could be as short as a few weeks for those who had normal delivery. Those who had complex deliveries or have undergone Caesarian procedures should consult with their doctor to determine the best time to start exercising.

Any type of physical activity helps you burn calories. But walking does not only help you shed those extra pounds, it also strengthens bones and muscles. Walking restores muscle tone, making your buttocks and legs shapelier. Schedule your walks after breastfeeding or pumping milk. This is to minimize discomfort.

Muscles might be sore or too tender to resume exercising. It is important for mothers to ensure maximum comfort to reduce discomfort. Using good fitting running shoes is a good way of reducing the impact of walking. It is also a good idea to use supportive bras to make your walks more comfortable.

Start with flat surfaces. This is to gradually accustom your body to increased levels of physical activities. You could increase the level of difficulty by choosing paths with inclined gradients. If leaving the home isn’t possible you could use a treadmill.

One of the basic rules of exercising is to always warm up. This ensures that all muscles are ready by directing blood flow to the areas. It helps loosen muscle and joints to prevent injury. Simple warm up exercises and stretches could go a long way in preventing injuries.

The rate of calorie burning depends on the time of activity and level of difficulty. You could make this more efficient by wearing warm clothes to increase internal body temperature. Start slow and swing your arms to increase the level of activity. Begin your walking activities at 5 to 10 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week. This doesn’t seem much but remember that you’ve just gone a major physical change.

Remember to walk at your own pace. There’s no rush to get your slimmer body. Weight gain is your body’s natural reaction to pregnancy. Being a little bit curvy is a sign that your body’s packed with nutrients for your baby. You could always get that swimsuit perfect body once your body is ready.

How to Diet After Post Pregnancy

  • Arrange your plate and make fruits and vegetables your plate’s centerpiece. Fill a quarter of your plate with lean meat for protein. Add a glass of skim milk for added calcium and protein.
  • Try to stay away from salty snacks and sweet beverages that contain empty calories. Replace sodas with fruit juice or water.
  • Be sure to have a glass of water handy or a healthy snack within reach. Food cravings are quite common especially after pregnancy.  Changes in hormonal levels can lead to mood changes and food cravings.
  • To avoid overeating, eat 5 small meals a day or eat healthy snacks between meals.
  • To make fat burning more effective, eat fat burning foods such as salads, vegetables and lean protein.

Exercise and eating a healthy diet are essential whether you are trying to burn those extra fats before or after pregnancy. Just be sure to consult with your doctor to make weight loss safe for you and your baby.

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Gastric Banding and Weight Loss

Liposuction maybe considered the most popular and convenient method of losing weight but there are also other surgical procedures that could treat weight problems. And one of these medical procedures is gastric bands.

Even liposuction has its own limitations. It could not be performed on people who are considered severely obese. This is why medical professionals recommend that people shed pounds to somewhere near their ideal weight to make surgery safer.

The rise of liposuction and alternative weight loss procedures is not surprising. The numbers of people considered severely obese continues to grow much like an epidemic. This in turn has given rise to the popularity of weight loss procedures such as liposuction and bariatric surgery.

There are several options available for people who are under the category of morbid obesity. These are classified as mal-absorptive and restrictive which has its own procedures and variations. However, all of these methods work with the same principles. It works by limiting food consumption or by decreasing the amount of calorie absorbed from the intestines.


There are varied weight reduction procedures available today. These include gastric banding, gastric bypass, vertical sleeve gastrectomy and more. The most popular of these weight loss surgical procedures continues to be Adjustable Gastric Banding or Laparoscopic Lap Band Surgery.

Gastric Banding Overview

Gastric banding is a surgical weight loss procedure that aims to reduce your food intake by helping you feel fuller. It works by the simple principle that if we limit the amount of food our body can physically take, weight loss could be achieved.

The surgery is performed by making 3 to 5 small incisions along the abdomen. A small pouch if formed in the upper stomach area which is controlled by an adjustable stoma. This physically limits the stomach’s food capacity. This in turn makes the patient feel fuller and thus limits their food intake.

Benefits of Gastric Banding


The US FDA has certified gastric banding as a safe and effective weight loss procedure for people suffering from severe obesity or those that have a BMO of forty or more. Gastric banding offers all the benefits of a proven weight loss reduction procedure. Unlike alternative liposuction and weight loss treatments, its results have been well documented by medical professionals. It requires surgery, but it is minimally invasive and produces great results.

Gastric banding is minimally invasive and does not require cutting or stapling of the stomach. It produces lesser trauma on the stomach making it safer but equally effective. Gastric banding also minimizes the chance of damaging other gastrointestinal organs and tissues because it does not use staples.

The procedure could be done in 30 minutes or as long as an hour. It is done in a hospital setting making it safer compared to surgeries done in small clinics.

Gastric banding produces less tissue trauma and scarring. It is less painful and has little side effects. Gastric banding reduces instances of nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness seen in other surgeries. Because it is minimally invasive, hospitalization is minimized and patients are able to recover more quickly.

Another unique advantage with using gastric banding for weight loss is that the process is reversible. The gastric band could be removed through a laparoscopic surgery to restore the stomach’s normal volume.


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Revisiting Must Know Facts About Liposuction

FDA-Approved: A Definite Necessity!

You have heard from a friend of the great outcome of his liposuction.  Journals, magazines, and newspapers are headlined with success stories from this operation.  Despite this excitement, do you have a clear understanding what liposuction is, and what it does to improve your health?  If you are searching for answer, you are on the right page for gaining some of the facts about liposuction.

Liposuction is defined as a surgical operation performed to remove from your body via suction.  During the operation, small, thin tubes (cannula) are inserted through holes in the skin.  As this blunt-tipped tube enters these tiny cuts, doctors are able to suction fat through the inserted instrument.  Doctors are also able to maneuver this tube to target hard to reach body fat areas.

Liposuction is able to clear out fats from neck, cheeks, breasts, upper arm, abdomen, knees, calves, buttocks, hips, ankle areas, and chin.

This surgical procedure, however, is treated as a serious operation and may involve painful days of recovery.  Due to this, patients are informed of the possible complications of the surgery.

The techniques

As this surgery has reached mainstream, surgeons have developed liposuction techniques that make it less painful, safer, and easier.

  • You have seen doctors perform ultrasound on pregnant women.  Expect the same level of caution with ultrasound-assisted liposuction.  This procedure includes liquefying of fats which make it easier to suction out.  This liposuction is useful in removing especially in upper abdomen, back, and sides.
  • People generally avoid surgery because of the discomfort experienced during the process.  You can now expect body improvement with less pain.  This is achieved by applying local anesthetic to numb the target areas where the tube will be placed.  To add a lasting effect, more anesthetic is introduced into the fatty tissue as lidocaine and epinephrine before the actual liposuction is performed.  This type of liposuction is called tumescent liposuction.  Recent advances allow patient to undergo liposuction without general anesthesia or without sleeping through the procedure.

Liposuction risks

Before an interested patient has to undergo this procedure, doctors carefully ask questions about the medical history of the patient.  Also, physical examination is performed to ensure your safety.  Commonly, doctors look for pre-existing conditions that should be controlled before the procedure.  This includes: diabetes; high blood pressure; history of heart problems; allergies especially to antibiotics used during the surgical preparation; pulmonary problem, the usual signs such include shortness of breath; and substance abuse.

Furthermore, patients may suffer the following consequences during the operation.  This include:  infections, especially strep and staph; fluid overload; shock – usually result from insufficient replacement of fluid during the surgery; bleeding; minute globules of fat the poses risk by blocking blood flow, also known as fat embolism; uneven fat distribution; drug overdose, the usual culprit is lidocaine; and unattractive scars.

What happens before and after the surgery?

After undergoing through strict but necessary screening, doctors will prepare you for the operation.  A helpful tip:  bring over someone (a spouse) during your consultations to help you decide about this life changing procedure.

Doctors will inform you about the pre-operative preparations, the procedure proper, and the after care.  Once you have fully understood these terms, you are now on your way to a fitter version of you.

Expect compression garments and bandages after the surgery.  These are necessary measures to stop any bleeding.  The bandage could possibly be kept for at least two weeks, compression for several weeks.  Your doctor might check on you from time to time to monitor your progress.  You might be instructed to pay a visit back to the hospital depending on your health status.

After all things are said and done, you might enjoy the same health benefits as your friend.  Just make sure to maintain your shape as part of your efforts to stay healthy.


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Four Reasons Why We Can’t Stop Weight Gain

Stomach Liposuction Cost Stomach Liposuction Cost

Fighting weight gain seems to be an uphill battle for many. This is after eating a healthy diet and a conscious effort to shed those unhealthy pounds at the gym. Some factors may not be directly related to our food intake. These are things which increase our risk for weight gain during our adult years.

The Easy Life

Why make life any harder when you have the means to live an easy life. Living a sedentary lifestyle could be the fastest way to gain weight. Even if you’re within your recommended dietary intake, carbohydrates that should be used for our daily activities are instead stored as fats.

It is important to instill the importance of exercise and living an active lifestyle as early as possible in children. Giving them a positive attitude towards health is something they could bring into adulthood.  Advancements in modern living have made everyday tasks easier and less strenuous on our body. People may have walked a few blocks before or went up a few flights of stairs to get to their office but elevators, escalators and modern transport systems have made it sweat free.

One way of luring ourselves into a more active lifestyle is by engaging in sports. This could make sweating and flexing our muscles a lot more fun compared to lifting weights at the gym. Encourage your friends to make this not only healthy but a good way to share moments with friends and family.

Sudden changes in your daily routine

Stress is a leading cause for eating disorders. A sudden change in your daily routine such as longer work hours or working night shifts could be stressful on the body. Moving to another country or switching to a new job would not only bring physical changes but also increase your stress levels.

If you find yourself turning to food for much needed comfort during these stressful times, be prepared to counteract this. Arming yourself with healthy snacks makes it easier for you to keep off salty chips and sweet cravings. Help your body adjust by taking dietary supplements and getting enough rest.

Low Birth-weight Babies

It all starts during pregnancy and healthy babies have the best chances of developing into healthy adults. Babies born with a low birth weight are at high risk for becoming overweight during their adulthood. Reasons include degenerative diseases that develop which contribute to weight gain. This makes it essential that pregnant mothers ensure that they are getting the proper nutrition during this stage in their baby’s life. Mothers are also strongly advised to breastfeed their baby for as long as possible to strengthen their baby’s immune system and provide them with all the needed nutrition.

Undernourished pregnant mothers give birth to low weight babies. Their babies are a direct reflection of the state of their health. Babies born to these mothers have a higher chance if becoming overweight during their teenage years.

Marriage and Weight Gain

There are many factors in marriage that can cause weight gain. These are caused by physical and lifestyle changes that happen during marriage. Women for example take contraceptive pills which contain hormones. These hormonal changes can lead to food cravings or make it harder to burn fat.

Women are more emotional and some women often experience depression after giving birth. Episodes of depression or sudden changes in emotion can be a major cause of unhealthy eating. Having a positive disposition could help you overcome these situations.

Men have higher metabolic rates, muscular and are more likely to engage in more strenuous or physical activities. Women are at higher risk for gaining fat because of their physical makeup and commonly stay at home.

These are just some of the factors that increase your risk for weight gain. Most of these however, could easily be prevented by eating a healthy diet and living an active lifestyle. The path to a healthy life begins in the womb. Making it essential that mother’s to live healthy and ensure that their growing babies receive the right nutrients.

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Quick and Easy: Weight Loss at your Fingertips

How to Reduce Stomach FatDo you dream of pain-free weight loss? For many people the very idea of trying to lose weight has become synonymous with depriving themselves of what they enjoy most in life and suffering through the entire process. It's difficult to stay upbeat and enjoy getting fit if all you can think about is how much you are going to miss your favorite foods and how intensely you'll have to exercise to begin seeing even a slight difference in your figure.

Think about it. Wouldn't it be fun to lose weight without trying too hard? All you need to do is to make a few slight changes here and there in the way you do things to lose weight naturally and gradually. The tips you'll discover here don't require you to deny yourself or engage in grueling workouts. Instead you'll learn how to get to where you want to go in the quickest and most pain-free manner. So are you ready to get started? Here are the best tips that I've discovered and applied that will truly help you to get the body of your dreams fast!

Lighten Your Favorite Foods

Most people are destined to fail at restrictive diets even before they begin. Do you know why? It's because they believe they need to cut down on all their favorite foods when they are on a diet and they use their will power to do that. However will power will only take you so far. At the end your imagination will always triumph over any will power you might have.

Live More

While losing weight might be your major focus, you need to have a life outside of it. This helps you to not only stay mentally and emotionally balanced and fresh but also gets rid of unhealthy habits in an indirect way. If you are spending less time in front of the TV you'll also be snacking less. You'll not only feel great about doing something productive and new, but you'll also be cutting down on your junk food consumption by default. Now, isn't that exciting?

Replace the word exercise with something fun

The only way to avoid this issue is to never think of exercise as working out while finding fun and innovative ways to incorporate more movement into your daily life. If you dislike walking, how about combing the beach for treasure with a metal detector? Perhaps throwing frisbees, playing volleyball or going for nature walks is more your cup of tea?

Eat more Soup

One of the best tips I have to share with you is to eat a bowl of soup every day. Eating a nutritious bowl of low-salt soup daily is not only nourishing but it'll help you lose more weight steadily. Try to avoid canned soups that are chock full of chemicals and salt and make your own instead. You can easily whip up a large batch of delicious soup at one go and deep-freeze portions to eat during the week. When eating out choose clear soups as opposed to the more creamy ones; the latter normally have more fat and calories.

Be Realistic

Which one sounds easier to you - moving a mountain in a day or shifting pebbles over a period of months? This way you won't get depressed about or be sighing over your waistline if you've only lost 2 inches over 4 months because you haven't lost 8 inches yet. Instead you'll be quite justly celebrating your success!

Set mini-goals on a weekly basis too. Decide on the lifestyle changes you want to incorporate and choose to incorporate just one change every week. You won't be biting off more than you can chew and you will find it easy to make long lasting, permanent and healthier changes that help you to lose weight quickly over time. Remember that you are in this for the long haul and setting realistic mini-goals will help you to create healthy new habits that stick.


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Weight Gain and Menopause

Weight gain and aging has become synonymous for many women. And one of the stages in a woman’s life where they experience the appearance of additional pounds is menopause. Medical science supports this as many changes do occur during this stage but gaining weight is not inevitable. Positive steps could be undertaken to prevent and manage weight problems associated with menopause.

Changing levels of female hormones

Many changes happen during menopause. One of this is the decreasing number of female hormones. Low levels of estrogen and progesterone slows metabolic rates. Fats are not burned or used as efficiently as before. This means eating the same diet does not guarantee we would be able to maintain our weight.

Hormone replacement therapy can cause weight gain undergoing treatment. Female hormone preparation (pills and HRT) can have a direct effect on weight. HRT is a treatment designed to help women manage the many changes seen in menopause. However, side effects include weight gain. If this happens, consult with your doctor if they could decrease or adjust dosage to minimize weight gain.

Lack of physical activity

Women in their late 40’s or 50’s may not be as physically active as their younger counterparts. Aging causes many changes and this includes weaker resistance to strenuous activities. Older women may not have the energy to perform their normal daily activities with the same zest.

Older women may feel lethargic or sluggish as menopause creeps in. This makes it harder for them to engage in exercise or physical activities. Even walking a few blocks might appear to be too burdensome, things which they usually do in the past. Because of this decreasing activity, fat is stored rather than processed as energy.

You don’t have to enroll in an exercise program to enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle. Brisk walking or simple exercises a few minutes a day could do wonders in raising your metabolic rate.

Slower metabolism associated with aging

Aging brings so many physical changes to the body that goes beyond white hair and wrinkles.  A sedentary lifestyle along with a slower metabolic rate makes weight gain inevitable. People are advised to eat smaller portions without missing out on important nutrients. Eating a healthy diet and reducing caloric intake is recommended for women entering menopause. They should also cut down their intake of salt, sugar, saturated fat and alcohol.

-          two fruit servings

-          four servings of cereal foods/ grain (wholegrain)

-          five vegetable servings

-          two servings of protein (poultry, eggs, nuts, lean meat, beans, fish and beans)

-          four servings of calcium enriched soy and other low fat dairy products

Eating problems due to depression

Physical changes during menopause could have psychological effects. This makes women vulnerable to depression and behavioral changes. Changing hormonal levels have a direct effect on a woman’s behavior. Many women may turn into binge eating or other eating disorders in an effort to feel good. If you believe you are suffering from an eating disorder, it is advised that you consult with a psychologist especially if depression persists. Depression like any medical condition is highly manageable if treated early. But as always, prevention is still best.

Eating healthy during menopause is essential. It keeps your body mentally and physically fit. A healthy diet also supplies all your body’s nutritional requirement while keeping cellulite deposits at bay. Weight gain during menopause is a real risk. Simple ways of avoiding this is by decreasing your fat intake. Switching to high fiber foods and taking your recommended levels of nutrients is the best way of maintaining a slim and healthy body.

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Liposuction, Fat Cells and You

Liposuction is simply the elimination of fat cells under the skin. But before considering this medical procedure we must first understand our body, skin and fat cells.

The skin is the body’s largest organ. It is the body’s first line of protection keeping us safe from the external environment much like a physical barrier. It maintains ideal body temperature, preserves moisture, synthesizes Vitamin D and serves as a sense organ.

The skin is made of three basic layers. The epidermis which is the top most layer, dermis which is the middle layer and hypodermis. The hypodermis in particular is especially important in terms of liposuction. This is where the body stores 50 percent of its fat content. Fat cells located in the hypodermis functions as an insulator and an energy source for the body.

Fat cells or adipose tissue is essential for the body’s normal functioning and should not be labeled as something unhealthy. Physically, these might not be attractive but plays an important role in maintaining health. The body contains twenty five to thirty billion fat cells. These are usually located in the abdomen, thighs and other problem areas.

Without these, we are unable to keep ourselves warm during those chilly months and lose internal heat; which requires us not only to wear warm clothes but also increase our food intake. Fat cells are the body’s main source for energy. The absence of these energy sources would force our body to burn muscle and other tissues. Sitting for long periods of time for example would be difficult without these natural padding.

Everybody is born with approximately the same number of fat cells. Genetics may play a role in determining a person’s chances for obesity but a person’s lifestyle that ultimately decides body structure. Fat cells merely stores fat. Weight problems arise when people start storing fat which is more than what their body requires. This is why people have different body structures even though they have the same number of fat cells.

Just like the skin, there are three levels of body fat. The deep subcutaneous fat is the one that is commonly eliminated during liposuction. The top upper layers of fat are separated by a membrane called the fascia. This also creates areas or fat pockets.

The upper fat layers are denser and is tightly packed with blood vessels and nerves. This makes fat removal more difficult compared to the inner layers. This is also responsible for the bumps and skin irregularities which indicate unsightly fat deposits in the body. Great care should be taken when working on these areas. Bruises and skin trauma is expected. More dangerous complications include skin necrosis (skin death), permanent discoloration and nerve damage.

There two basic patterns for fat deposits. Fat that is accumulated in the lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs and hips is referred to as a Gynoid pattern. This is also commonly found in women. Fat accumulation in the upper abdomen and flanks is called an android distribution.

The location and amount of fat deposited in certain areas of the body could be attributed to several factors. Medical conditions and hormonal imbalances also play a part in the problem. The production of fat cells in the body stops once puberty is over. However, those who are severely obese could multiply there fat cells. People who are 200 percent above their ideal weight are considered obese.

There is no disputing the fact that liposuction is an effective procedure that removes fat cells. But the benefits of liposuction do not give people the license to continue their unhealthy ways. It is only through a proper diet and active lifestyle can people enjoy a slimmer body after liposuction.

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Natural Skin Tightening Methods

ID-10038740Having a slimmer figure after weight loss treatments does not only have a positive effect on your health but also provides a significant boost to your confidence. However, one side effect of losing weight is the presence of loose skin where fat deposits have been removed. This could have a negative effect your confidence depending on its extent. The good news is that this could be remedied with simple skin tightening treatments.

One of the reasons why people suffer from loose skin after weight loss is that this is done quickly. It is advised that people not lose more than three pounds per week in order for the body or skin to adjust to these changes. It gives your skin the chance to adjust with the changes and prepare it for more fat loss. However, this may not be possible with liposuction surgery as great amounts of fat are removed with a single procedure.

A simple way of restoring loose skin is to use moisturizers. This improves your skin’s health by restoring elasticity. Tighten up loose skin especially on areas where large fats deposits were removed. Keep this on your skin while you sleep by wearing long sleeves and plants. Moisturizers are not only good for tightening loose skin but helps you look younger.

A good body scrub could also help tighten loose skin. Body scrubbing helps remove dead skin and enhances the growth of new skin. The result is a better skin fit as new skin cells cling to the body much better.

Losing weight naturally by eating a healthy diet and exercise prevents the occurrence of loose skin. Because weight loss is less drastic, skin is able to cope with the sudden loss of volume. Exercising for example does not only burn fat but also restores volume by building your muscles. You could start by lifting lighter weights to burn fats and slowly progress to heavier weights for strengthening muscles.

Stomach crunches might provide the same dramatic results seen in liposuction but it is effective in toning abdominal muscles. Think of this as a natural alternative to tummy tucks. It does take a little bit of patience to produce visible results. Combining this with a healthy diet however, makes it more effective and hastens fat loss. Stomach crunches do not require special equipments and could be done almost everywhere. Making stomach crunches not only a natural skin tightening method but also a cost-effective one. Living an active lifestyle prevents fat buildup while building your muscles. Walking, running and push-ups helps tighten loose skin.

Beauty and skin experts recommend using sea salt scrubs to help tighten skin. This improves blood flow enhancing the distribution of much needed nutrients to the skin. It keeps the skin healthy and maintains elasticity. Try scrubbing in the shower twice a day and at least three times a week. Mineral scrubs are equally effective.

Some have sworn that massages have helped them tighten their skin after weight loss. They said that regular massages helped tighten sagging skin on the arms and thighs. Massages relieve stress and improve blood flow. This enhances the body’s natural ability to repair itself especially after liposuction.

Collagen creams could also be used for skin tightening. These help the skin cling tightly to muscles and tissues. Decreased collagen levels can be the result of aging hence, restoring its levels is essential for maintaining skin tone.

Cosmetic surgery is the easiest and quickest way of restoring skin tone. This is especially useful for people who have undergone massive weight loss as a result of liposuction. Natural methods however, offer a gentler method of skin tightening. It does not only tighten the skin but also keeps it looking young and healthy.

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Water-Jet Assisted Liposuction

Numerous developments have been made in the field of weight loss procedures. Modern medical techniques such as liposuction have made it possible to eliminate stubborn fat deposits quickly. But liposuction still remains to be a procedure that has its own share of risks and complications. Hence, the need for alternative weight loss methods that is safer and gentler.

Water-jet assisted liposuction is one of the alternative techniques that aim to provide the benefits of traditional liposuction without its risks. It is a gentle and less invasive procedure that uses pressurized water to dislodge fat. Some of its advantages include:

-          Less invasive

-          Faster recovery

-          Gentler, less painful

-          Produces great results

The main difference between traditional liposuction and water-jet assisted liposuction is that it utilizes a pulsating spray of liquid to remove stubborn fat deposits. It loosens fat from connective tissues thru the action of liquids and eliminates them. The direct result is a weight loss technique that produces less tissue trauma and bruising while providing excellent results.

Body-jet liposuction introduces gentle pulses of fluid into the body using a cannula.


With Body-Jet liposuction, the doctor simultaneously introduces gentle pulses of fluid into the body while dislodging and removing fat using a cannula. Unlike laser-based liposuction, it uses the action of pressurized water to gently remove cellulite deposits while minimizing trauma. The procedure effectively removes fluids simultaneously as it is introduced.

Advantages of water-jet assisted liposuction:

Water-jet assisted liposuction is a gentler procedure compared to other types of liposuction. It could be done with minimal downtime and produces less discomfort. It is performed under local anesthesia eliminating the dangers associated with general anesthesia. Because it is less invasive, people are able to recover more quickly and return to their daily routines. It is also more targeted hence, providing excellent results.

Who is an ideal candidate for water-jet assisted liposuction?

Any liposuction procedure becomes more risky with every pound that the patient is over their ideal weight. Ideal candidates for water-jet assisted liposuction should be in good health and not more than 25 pounds over their ideal weight. People suffering from persistent localized fat deposits that are resistant to exercise could obtain the best results from treatment.

Areas for treatment:

Water-jet assisted could safely remove cellulite deposits from almost any trouble spot in the body. It could safely treat almost any area because it is gentler and less invasive. Common areas for treatment includes the arms, thighs, chin, knees, hips and abdomen.

What makes it different from traditional liposuction?

Water-jet assisted liposuction utilizes pulses of fluids with saline to gently remove fat deposits. This produces lesser trauma compared to the suctioning motion in traditional liposuction. Standard liposuction also requires a lengthy period for introducing tumescent fluids into the target area. Water-jet assisted liposuction also uses fluids during the procedure but less medication is needed. These however, are used to minimize discomfort and manage bleeding.

The procedure minimizes the amount of fluid at any given time. It gives the surgeon a better perspective on how the procedure is going. This makes water-jet assisted liposuction better in some ways compared to other alternative procedures.

Patients could return to their normal daily activities in as little as a few days. Because treatment produces less pain and healing is quicker. Like any type of liposuction treatment, fat cells removed don’t grow back. Any weight gain could be traced to untreated areas of the body.

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