Liposuction, Fat Cells and You

Liposuction is simply the elimination of fat cells under the skin. But before considering this medical procedure we must first understand our body, skin and fat cells.

The skin is the body’s largest organ. It is the body’s first line of protection keeping us safe from the external environment much like a physical barrier. It maintains ideal body temperature, preserves moisture, synthesizes Vitamin D and serves as a sense organ.

The skin is made of three basic layers. The epidermis which is the top most layer, dermis which is the middle layer and hypodermis. The hypodermis in particular is especially important in terms of liposuction. This is where the body stores 50 percent of its fat content. Fat cells located in the hypodermis functions as an insulator and an energy source for the body.

Fat cells or adipose tissue is essential for the body’s normal functioning and should not be labeled as something unhealthy. Physically, these might not be attractive but plays an important role in maintaining health. The body contains twenty five to thirty billion fat cells. These are usually located in the abdomen, thighs and other problem areas.

Without these, we are unable to keep ourselves warm during those chilly months and lose internal heat; which requires us not only to wear warm clothes but also increase our food intake. Fat cells are the body’s main source for energy. The absence of these energy sources would force our body to burn muscle and other tissues. Sitting for long periods of time for example would be difficult without these natural padding.

Everybody is born with approximately the same number of fat cells. Genetics may play a role in determining a person’s chances for obesity but a person’s lifestyle that ultimately decides body structure. Fat cells merely stores fat. Weight problems arise when people start storing fat which is more than what their body requires. This is why people have different body structures even though they have the same number of fat cells.

Just like the skin, there are three levels of body fat. The deep subcutaneous fat is the one that is commonly eliminated during liposuction. The top upper layers of fat are separated by a membrane called the fascia. This also creates areas or fat pockets.

The upper fat layers are denser and is tightly packed with blood vessels and nerves. This makes fat removal more difficult compared to the inner layers. This is also responsible for the bumps and skin irregularities which indicate unsightly fat deposits in the body. Great care should be taken when working on these areas. Bruises and skin trauma is expected. More dangerous complications include skin necrosis (skin death), permanent discoloration and nerve damage.

There two basic patterns for fat deposits. Fat that is accumulated in the lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs and hips is referred to as a Gynoid pattern. This is also commonly found in women. Fat accumulation in the upper abdomen and flanks is called an android distribution.

The location and amount of fat deposited in certain areas of the body could be attributed to several factors. Medical conditions and hormonal imbalances also play a part in the problem. The production of fat cells in the body stops once puberty is over. However, those who are severely obese could multiply there fat cells. People who are 200 percent above their ideal weight are considered obese.

There is no disputing the fact that liposuction is an effective procedure that removes fat cells. But the benefits of liposuction do not give people the license to continue their unhealthy ways. It is only through a proper diet and active lifestyle can people enjoy a slimmer body after liposuction.

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