Laser Lipo is it for you?
Imagine the possibility of instantly losing those stubborn fat deposits in under an hour. This is not farfetched and is exactly what todays’ latest liposuction alternatives promise. Laser liposuction is one of this modern alternative to liposuction treatments that promises to get rid of stubborn fat deposits without the risks and side effects.
Laser liposuction is one of these modern fat loss treatments that can help you get rid of those fat deposits almost instantly. Unlike traditional liposuction which removes fat deposits physically, laser liposuction uses low-level lasers to melt fats and tighten skin.
How does it work?
The fat loss procedure does not require any incisions or physical contact with fat deposits. Instead, lasers are used to disrupt the integrity of the cells until it eventually breaks down. Light is passed through the skin and directly into target areas. This uses a specific wavelength that stimulates cell contents. It activates the mitochondria and stimulates the production of lipase. This action causes the breakdown of fat cells which is eventually released from the cells.
The entire process is non-invasive. The laser emitting equipment is simply placed over the target area. Treatment is performed in under an hour and patients could be discharged from care immediately. Laser liposuction does not produce any of the complications and health risks associate with traditional liposuction. Which makes it a safer and faster alternative to liposuction.
How is it performed?
Laser liposuction is a non-invasive fat loss treatment. This weight loss treatment is based on the same technology as cold laser treatments. It does not require anesthesia and is painless. This treatment could be performed in almost every part of the body and lasts for under an hour. After determining the target area, a laser emitting device is placed over the area. After exposing the area for a few minutes, treatment is concluded and the patient is discharged.
Laser exposed fat cells are permanently destroyed. Fat cells and its contents are eliminated from the body as waste products. Unlike traditional liposuction that uses vacuums to remove fat cells physically, fat cells are removed from the body naturally.
Who are possible candidates for laser liposuction?
Laser liposuction could be performed on almost anybody. But it is highly ideal for those who are close to their normal weight. The treatment has limitations in terms of the amount of fat cells it could destroy. This is why several procedures might be required to achieve desired results.
- Treatment areas - Most areas of the body. This includes the thighs, stomach, arms, legs, calves, chin and more.
- Frequency – laser liposuction treatments could be performed in under a half hour. Recommended cycles are up to 8 treatments per area. Frequency is 2 treatments per week.
- Results – inches lost or visible results are subjective. Success of laser liposuction treatment is based on the patient’s compliance with health guidelines. Since laser liposuction is limited in the amount of fats it could remove, patients are encouraged to maintain a healthy diet and active lifestyle to maximize results.
Laser Liposuction Summary
Laser liposuction is a painless treatment that could be performed in under an hour. It is able to target sensitive fat deposits like the chin area which are high risk areas for liposuction. However, the amount of fats removed during each treatment pales in comparison to liposuction surgery. Because of this, multiple treatments are required to achieve desired results. Laser liposuction is highly ideal for people who are near ideal weight but are having an extremely difficult time shaving off stubborn fat deposits.
Write comment (0 Comments)Exercise (With Weights) vs Yoga for Weight Loss
Living an active lifestyle and sticking to a healthy diet still remains to be the best liposuction alternative. It is a healthy way to lose excess fat deposits and does not require expensive medical or cosmetic surgery bills. An active lifestyle works two ways. First it helps you burn excess fats and more importantly keeps your hard earned figure slim and sexy.
Yoga poses involve stretching, and flexibility is usually the first thing most people think of when they think of yoga. Yoga also involves balancing that flexibility with strength. You achieve positions using your muscles holding your own body weight against gravity.
Supporting your own body weight develops muscles that are strong and in proportion to one another. The heavier you are, the stronger you will get doing body weight exercises. As with any form of exercise, perform weight-bearing yoga poses and exercises with proper form and alignment to prevent injuries.
Building muscle strength usually involves weights and other forms of resistance training. Increasing weights for example has a direct effect in improving muscle strength. Muscle building in exercise is done with repeated muscle contractions. Yoga on the other hand strengthens muscles by lengthening the muscles through poses that done statically. It is great for core training and gives a less bulky figure while proving increased muscle strength.
Areas Targeted
Yoga poses involve the whole body while weight training exercises usually isolate certain muscle groups. Yoga provides a more overall approach to health and strength building. It is not only limited to muscle strengthening but also improves mental health, flexibility and body functioning. Each pose also targets more muscle groups as compared to specific muscle targeting in weight training regimens.
Practical Application
Yoga has more practical uses compared to regular weight training exercises. It helps improve balance, respiratory functioning and blood circulation. Regular muscle strengthening exercises also improve these health aspects as well but not as effectively as yoga exercises. Having the strength to carry heavy objects should be balanced with having the flexibility to carry it around the house seamlessly.
Muscle building through yoga helps improve overall body strength. It helps improve flexibility that is required for normal daily activities. Strength without flexibility makes the body stiff and creates instability. Activities of daily living require movements that combine strength and flexibility.
Complexity of Movements
Weight training exercises involve movements that target specific muscle groups. Yoga on the other hand requires more complex movements that involve the whole body. Weight and resistance training is done by performing arm and leg balancing poses. This uses the body’s weight to improve muscle strength across the body. Other poses include headstand, side and wheel plans.
Engaging in any type of physical activity has a direct positive effect on our health. Weight training exercises and yoga help people achieve a healthier body by helping
Whether yoga can replace resistance training depends on your goals. A regular, consistent physical yoga practice would be ideal if you are seeking overall body strength and flexibility. Yoga can increase muscle strength when done regularly and with good alignment. However, you may need to isolate specific muscles while strengthening in certain situations, such as in physical therapy. Whether yoga would be a good option for therapeutic strengthening depends on each situation.
Conventional exercise can help in building up and making the muscles stronger, that is a proven fact, but how can yoga achieve this goal?
In regular exercise, tools like dumbbells and bars, act as the source of resistance, in yoga the body as a whole function as the resistance. Most of the yoga routine requires the person to hold the position for a few minutes before transitioning to another pose or even do the poses very slowly. This creates more tension and resistance than ordinary training where you may be able to do the exercise at your own pace.
Write comment (0 Comments)Enhanced Weight loss - Boost Metabolism Naturally
Ever wondered how you managed to keep a slimmer figure during your younger years?
Aging brings many changes to our body. This includes slower metabolic rates that make it harder for us to burn and use fat deposits. A slower metabolism makes us feel tired and exhausted. It makes us feel sluggish and unable to perform the activities we used to do. But slowing metabolism does not only mean a change in our normal lifestyle it also makes it easier to gain those extra pounds while eating the same diet.
There are many ways to increase metabolism naturally. It does not require medications or expensive health treatments. So the next-time you feel sluggish or heavy, below are some tips to increase metabolism fast.
Eating Habits that Increase Metabolism
- Never miss Breakfast - Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day and it helps set the tone for your dietary requirements. Skipping breakfast deprives your body of much needed nutrients to power your body for the rest of the day. In response, your body slows your metabolic rate in order to preserve as much nutrients as possible.
- Schedule your Dinner - Health experts say that dinner should be the lightest meal. Schedule you dinner 3 to 4 hours before going to bed. This makes burning food more efficient. Without any major physical activities, the body slows its metabolism down accordingly.
- Never go on Crash Diets -Many people make the mistake of going into crash diets in an effort to lose weight quickly. In an effort to compensate for sudden loss of nutrients, the body quickly moves into survival mode and slows its metabolism. The result is as soon as you resume your normal eating habits, normal metabolism is lost and food that was previously burned now ends up as fat reserves.
- Eat small frequent meals - People who enjoy eating should take small, frequent meals. Rather than taking huge meals during the day, include small snacks between major meals. This trains your body to increase metabolic rates in response to small snacks during the day. Live an Active Lifestyle - Exercising regularly and engaging in a more active lifestyle increases metabolism fast. Even the slightest energy demand has a direct effect on our metabolic rate. Although regular daily activities have a significant effect in maintaining our normal metabolic rates, more strenuous activities like exercises that demand greater resources improve our metabolism.
- Steadily increase the difficulty of your exercise regimen. A good way to increase metabolism fast is to perform strength training exercises. Add more weight or resistance weekly to increase your body’s demand for nutrients steadily. This is a great way to train your metabolism. Rather than increasing your weight training quickly, gradually increase difficulty.
Foods that Increase Metabolism
Drink lots of water. The body needs lot of water to power its different body processes. This includes metabolism so be sure to drink your share of water.
Take vitamin B supplements. The body needs Vitamin B for efficient energy production. Vitamin B12 in particular is important for energy. This is important if you’re planning to live a more active lifestyle.
Eat spicy foods. Chili, pepper and other spicy foods naturally increase metabolism. It raises the body’s temperature and makes body processes run a little bit faster.
Write comment (0 Comments)Aging, Menopause and Weight Gain
When a woman’s reproductive ability ceases, chances are she may gain weight—a typical perimenopausal and menopausal symptom. Normal menopausal age starts at our 40’s to 50’s. At this time, the egg reproduction in women’s ovaries stops. There are three stages to it, the perimenopause (before the actual menopause), menopause and the post menopause.
Common menopause symptoms includes irregular periods and stopped one eventually, moods wings, palpitation, headaches, vaginal dryness, insomnia, depression and weight gain among others.
Long Term Health Problems
Menopause can be causing several long term health problems. Osteoporosis is one. Heart disease can also be possible. Women also became prone to poor bladder and bowel function. Alzheimer’s disease tends to catch up at this stage of a woman’s life. Wrinkling, vision problems and reduction of muscle power can also be experienced.
Another concern for many during menopausal stage is the risk of weight gain which could further result to other complications. 30% of women aged 50 to 59, clearly past or during their menopausal stages, are overweight or obese.
Why Women are Prone to Weight Gain During Menopause
Menopausal stage is a very challenging moment in a woman’s life especially with the weight gain talk. There are different factors to contributing to the challenge. And the combination of them all will affect a woman emotionally, physically and mentally if not addressed rightly.
- Lowered Estrogen. Estrogen is the major contributor to the menopausal symptoms. During this stage, women have reduced estrogen production. Estrogen, as studies shows, is a big factor in weight regulation. Lower estrogen can cause lower metabolic rate among women. Because of the hormones’ decline, the body may start using starches and glucose in reduced efficiency.
- Lowered Progesterone. Mostly, estrogen is more mentioned than progesterone among the factors that contributes to weight gain. Though progesterone opposes the action of estrogen on insulin, it still works with the former in controlling the negative impact of cortisol. Cortisol and insulin may cause fat storage, even lowered burning of fats, but muscles instead.
- Increased Androgen. Increased androgen can cause the extra middle age spread in the hips and the thighs.
- Lowered testosterone. Lowered testosterone can cause the diminished transformation of calories into muscle mass. This causes lowered metabolic rate as well.
- With lowered progesterone, insulin and cortisol may increase belly fat storage and it gets even harder during menopausal stage.
- Age Related Factor. Menopause occurs during middle years, at which all other age related factors makes weight maintenance and loss seemed harder. Age makes women less active. Exercise at this stage is even low to non-existing. When you start aging, your resting metabolism is lessened because of losing muscle mass which makes it altogether hard to gain weight and even harder to shed it.
How to Deflect Weight Gain During Menopause
90% of women undergoing menopause gains weight in one or another. But there are ways to deflect and ward it off. Take it below.
- Exercise. Exercising, though would take much effort due to age factors, would clearly be a solution. Be active as much as possible, set a routine. A simple walk can start everything. And can even improve your quality of life. Aerobic activities, strength training, stretching are advisable.
- Relax, relieve stress. Never let stress get the best of you. Stress is a major ill contributor to your health as well as your weight. Take a walk, do something you love, enjoy simple things and take your mind off from trivial matters at hand.
- HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy. Since low estrogen causes slow metabolism, fat gain and increase hunger, a hormonal therapy can be advisable. It can also be a solution to your middle age spread.
- Eat less but eat healthier. Eat less calories and take outs, eat more natural foods. Bank on fruits and vegetables too. Pay attention to what you are eating, eat less bad food but never skip meals.
- Talk to someone. A simple talk or a conversation with someone undergoing what you are experiencing can be therapeutic. This will help clear your mind, let you get to see things and would even offer you valuable tips to chase away fats.
Menopause is a challenge for women. But with the prior knowledge of what you will be going through, you may surpass it unscathed, minus the weight gain.
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