Enhanced Weight loss - Boost Metabolism Naturally
Ever wondered how you managed to keep a slimmer figure during your younger years?
Aging brings many changes to our body. This includes slower metabolic rates that make it harder for us to burn and use fat deposits. A slower metabolism makes us feel tired and exhausted. It makes us feel sluggish and unable to perform the activities we used to do. But slowing metabolism does not only mean a change in our normal lifestyle it also makes it easier to gain those extra pounds while eating the same diet.
There are many ways to increase metabolism naturally. It does not require medications or expensive health treatments. So the next-time you feel sluggish or heavy, below are some tips to increase metabolism fast.
Eating Habits that Increase Metabolism
- Never miss Breakfast - Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day and it helps set the tone for your dietary requirements. Skipping breakfast deprives your body of much needed nutrients to power your body for the rest of the day. In response, your body slows your metabolic rate in order to preserve as much nutrients as possible.
- Schedule your Dinner - Health experts say that dinner should be the lightest meal. Schedule you dinner 3 to 4 hours before going to bed. This makes burning food more efficient. Without any major physical activities, the body slows its metabolism down accordingly.
- Never go on Crash Diets -Many people make the mistake of going into crash diets in an effort to lose weight quickly. In an effort to compensate for sudden loss of nutrients, the body quickly moves into survival mode and slows its metabolism. The result is as soon as you resume your normal eating habits, normal metabolism is lost and food that was previously burned now ends up as fat reserves.
- Eat small frequent meals - People who enjoy eating should take small, frequent meals. Rather than taking huge meals during the day, include small snacks between major meals. This trains your body to increase metabolic rates in response to small snacks during the day. Live an Active Lifestyle - Exercising regularly and engaging in a more active lifestyle increases metabolism fast. Even the slightest energy demand has a direct effect on our metabolic rate. Although regular daily activities have a significant effect in maintaining our normal metabolic rates, more strenuous activities like exercises that demand greater resources improve our metabolism.
- Steadily increase the difficulty of your exercise regimen. A good way to increase metabolism fast is to perform strength training exercises. Add more weight or resistance weekly to increase your body’s demand for nutrients steadily. This is a great way to train your metabolism. Rather than increasing your weight training quickly, gradually increase difficulty.
Foods that Increase Metabolism
Drink lots of water. The body needs lot of water to power its different body processes. This includes metabolism so be sure to drink your share of water.
Take vitamin B supplements. The body needs Vitamin B for efficient energy production. Vitamin B12 in particular is important for energy. This is important if you’re planning to live a more active lifestyle.
Eat spicy foods. Chili, pepper and other spicy foods naturally increase metabolism. It raises the body’s temperature and makes body processes run a little bit faster.
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