Diets for Toning the Muscles

Enough to make a guy jealous

All of us need good muscle tone. Muscle tone is defined as the continuous and passive contraction of the muscles or its resistance to stretch while resting. Good muscle tone is essential for maintaining balance, posture and strength. Although exercise can improve muscle tone, diet is also an important factor. A poor diet can result to low muscle tone manifested as muscle flaccidity and weakness. Food fuels the process by which the muscle builds and repairs its tissues. This is why we must choose the right food in toning muscles.

So what are the foods that build muscle tone? Here they are:

Egg Whites                                       

Maybe you have heard many athletes say that eating egg whites can increase muscle bulk. Actually, egg whites can improve muscle tone. This is because eggs are a good source of high-quality animal protein. It is said that a single large egg contains about 6 grams of protein.

You can actually increase your protein intake and keep up with your body’s protein requirements by eating a few eggs per week. Just be careful because eggs may also contain a high amount of fat, especially in its yolk. This is why we recommend eating egg whites instead to consume high-quality, low fat protein.


Soy is a source of plant protein. Aside from protein, soybeans also give you a lot of vitamins and minerals to help boost nerve function and improve muscle tone. Soybeans also contain fiber which helps improve your digestion and make you feel full easily so you don’t feel hungry all the time.

It is said that a cup of soybeans contain about 29 grams of protein. This food also contains less fat! You can also try other beans. Lentils are also good sources of protein. It is said that a cup of lentils may contain about 18 grams of protein and less than a gram of fat.


Chicken meat is also highly concentrated with protein which helps build and repair damaged muscle tissues in times of stress or injury. If you are trying to build muscle, taking in a lot of protein from both animal and plant sources is important. Chicken meat is high in protein yet low in excess fat which can be found in red meat.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are cereal foods that contain cereal germ, bran and endosperm. Examples are wheat, oats, barley, maize, brown rice, rye and sprouted grains. Products which contain whole grains include whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, popcorn and rolled oats. These foods contain the right amount and carbohydrates that release slow energy to improve your muscle tone and to keep you on the go.

Carbohydrates which are found in whole wheat and other healthy foods are the best sources of energy. It is essential that you take in high carbohydrate and low-glycemic index foods so that you will boost your energy levels without spiking your blood sugar levels.


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Gynaecomastia - Male Breast Reduction

Weight Loss--A Common Goal
Gynaecomastia, the male breast emulating the appearance of female breasts condition, is more alarming in case of emotional and psychological aspect than physical.
In the study of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons headed by Dr. Brian Labow, boys can be affected by adverse psychological effects at an early age even with just a mild case of gynaecomastia.
Gynaecomastia can be cured or remedied through male breast reduction.
Negative Psychosocial Effects of Gynaecomastia
The study above yielded a clear result; gynaecomastia can affect boys, even men, in terms of psychological and emotional aspects. The boys who were the subjects of the study had low scores in term so standard quality of life assessment. They even have lower scores in physical health, being most of them over weight. The study has compared results to those boys who took the test but don't have the condition.
The reason behind the negative thinking over the condition is the idea that we have been reared in society that has breast as a standard anatomy part of women, not of men.  Men and boys find it adversative to being male and being masculine.
Due to that, they experience problems socially, emotionally and psychologically, the men and boys suffering from male breast enlargement. The adverse effects of gynaecomastia psychosocially can be found below:
  1. Low self esteem is observed.
  2. Social relationship is impaired.
  3. Tendency to wear different clothes to hide the lumps and be considered different from the rest.
  4. Ridicule and bullying from people around you can be demeaning.
  5. Withdrawal from people and low assessment of body image.
These can be overcome once the condition has been addressed. Surgery and losing weight are two of the most popular remedy for the condition.
Physical and Medical Suppositions of Gynecomastia
At the age of 14, 60% of boys have gynaecomastia.  This is due to the increase of estrogen during this stage.
Mostly, men who have the male breast enlargement syndrome are on the overweight side of the scale. On the other hand, gynaecomastia or male breast enlargement or not, male are still susceptible to breast cancer.

Read more: Gynaecomastia - Male Breast Reduction

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Eliminating Bad Cholesterol the Natural Way

Diet pills that really workClose to half of the US population has been found to have unhealthy cholesterol levels. And almost 1 out of 3 Americans have  unhealthy LDL or bad cholesterol. LDL is known as the unhealthy cholesterol. The higher the cholesterol you have, the greater your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure.
The waxy and the fat like substance that is found in every cell in the body passes through the bloodstream, in forms of lipoprotein. Lipoproteins are packages that are made of fat on the inside and proteins on the outside. Cholesterol can be grouped into two, the low density lipoproteins or the LDL and the high density lipoprotein or the HDL. The LDL is more commonly known as the bad cholesterol while the HDL is more commonly known as HDL.
Since the high level of cholesterol may result to clogged arteries, arteries covered with plaque restricting blood flow, heart attack, stroke and other arterial disease, it would be very right to start lowering it by eating the right food.
Foods to Combat the LDL
75% of a body’s cholesterol is made by ones liver while 25% comes from the food that one eats. Maintaining cholesterol can be tricky especially with the food and tempting things around us. What may raise bad cholesterol involves full fat dairy, fat in meats and trans fat from baked goods. So here is a list you can use.
Oily Fish
Oily fish seems to be the top choice for this. Since oily fish contains omega-3, cholesterol busting polyunsaturated fats, it has become a major choice to address certain conditions in the body. Omega-3 is known to keep heart healthy, to reduce inflammation in the body and to prohibit pain.
Flaxseed and Chia Seed
Chia and Flaxseed contains the same component of oily fish above, the omega-3. The difference is it comes from a

Read more: Eliminating Bad Cholesterol the Natural Way

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Gastric Bypass Procedures – Lipo Alternatives

Is you’re still searching for another interesting alternative to liposuction then a Gastric Bypass procedure is something that you should look at. A simple explanation for what Gastric Bypass does is it reduces stomach volume directly affecting how much food could be stored and digested. This in turn helps people lose weight by physically altering stomach structure by limiting the amount of food we could store and digest.

A Gastric Bypass in particular does not only reduce the stomach’s surface amount for digestion but also circumvents the first portion of the small intestine. Since the small intestine is also responsible for absorbing food nutrients, decreasing foods exposure in this area further reduces the amount of nutrients absorbed by the body.

Who is qualified for Gastric Bypass Procedures?

A gastric bypass surgery should only be considered when healthier options for losing weight such as eating a healthy diet and living an active lifestyle fails to produce a drastic reduction in overall weight.

  • People suffering from severe obesity or those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or higher

  • People with medical conditions such as Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes whose weight is a direct contributor to their health problems
  • Those with serious health problems and a BMI of 35 to 39.9 or 30 to 34 depending on your doctor’s recommendations

Gastric Bypass Risks and Complications Any surgical procedures by nature pose some level of risk and complications. This is why surgical procedures such as liposuction and gastric bypass are only recommended for those suffering from severe obesity and serious health problems.

  • Bleeding, infection and scarring
  • Gastrointestinal perforation
  • Ulcer
  • Gallstones
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting as a result of severe weight loss
Nutritional Deficiency
-          Is described as a health condition characterized by a severe deficiency in nutrients that can be a direct result of extreme diets and gastric bypass procedures.
-          It can not only be the result of depriving the body of nutrients such as dieting but also with a poorly planned diet.
 Gastric Bypass Alternatives
Gastric Banding
Gastric banding utilizes a “band” to reduce total stomach volume. Compared to a gastric bypass, gastric band procedures are simpler and take less time to perform. It is also reversible, and only takes a simple surgical procedure to remove the band. Weight loss is brought about as a direct result of the stomach’s ability to store food.
Prescription Weight Loss Medications
FDA approved weight loss medications are available for those who would like to enhance their weight loss efforts. These are often recommended for people who are at high risk for developing medical conditions such as diabetes due to uncontrolled weight gain. However, these weight loss medications are only advised for short term use.
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