Liposuction – Dispelling the Myths
Liposuction has become one of the most common types of cosmetic surgery procedures being performed today. But even with its popularity, some liposuction myths continue to persist despite the vast availability of information available about the procedure.
Liposuction is a quick way of getting slimmer
Some might think that liposuction is like a magic bullet that could transform people into a model of health overnight. But even if liposuction remains to be the fastest way of getting rid of cellulite deposits, it still has its limitations. The amount of fat that could be safely removed is limited and it is still advised that those who are suffering from severe obesity reduce their weight naturally.
It may also require multiple liposuction treatments before a slimmer body could be achieved. This debunks the myth of liposuction as an overnight miracle to achieving a slimmer body.
Liposuction is a simple cosmetic procedure and not surgery
People may be tricked into believing that liposuction is a common cosmetic treatment. But liposuction should never be taken lightly and a lot of planning should be done before going treatment. Liposuction is a type of surgery and the dangers are real. Just like any type of surgery, risks and complications are present. Incisions are made, anesthesia is administered and bleeding could always be a constant threat.
Liposuction is an effective weight-loss technique
Effective weight-loss techniques are those that help you lose weight naturally. This includes exercise and the proper diet. Liposuction may be able to remove cellulite deposits quickly but does not prevent it from coming back. Recommended weight-loss techniques are those that train the person mentally and physically to live a healthier lifestyle.
Liposuction could also work as a breast lift procedure
Some cosmetic surgeons perform liposuction to improve breast appearance. But there is still no conclusive evidence that this fat-removal treatment could also work as a breast lift procedure. Skin tightening might result after removing cellulite deposits in the breast area but this do not have the same dramatic results seen in actual breast lift procedures.
Patients could return to their normal routines immediately
While some patients could return to their jobs a few days after surgery, it all still depends on the type of liposuction performed and the nature of the patient’s job. For those who had simple liposuction treatments, they could return to their normal daily activities in a few days but those with more complex treatments may require weeks of rest. Bleeding is a constant threat when wounds are not able to properly heal.
Liposuction is only for females
Liposuction may be a type of “cosmetic” surgery but its benefits are not only meant for women. The same improvements that liposuction brings for women could also be enjoyed by their male counterparts. It could be used to remove stubborn belly fats or love handles for example. For those who still believe that liposuction is only for women, the procedure is included in the top five cosmetic surgeries performed for men.
Liposuction results are permanent
Cellulite removed from the body is permanently removed but liposuction does not prevent you from gaining those pounds back. Liposuction would not be able to remove all the cell fats in your body. You may have removed some of the cellulite cells but more cells could easily store more fat. The long term benefits of liposuction ultimately depend on what you do after the procedure.
You can have liposuction and go home immediately
The complexity of each procedure depends on the patient. Those who need minimum fat removal may require local anesthesia and could be sent the same day after surgery. For more complex procedures however, general anesthesia is administered and the patient is advised to stay in the hospital for observation.
Image credit: Stuart Miles via
Write comment (0 Comments)Cutting Edge liposuction techniques
What is the price of beauty? Apparently, it’s at least $50,000. Almost half of Americans, when asked, would gladly go under the knife just to change their appearances. Cosmetic surgery still has its pull on people, and the profits are more than enough proof. How much do they earn? Around $10 billion a year. Clearly, it’s still a thriving business. Liposuction has gone through many stages, from pain to painless fat removal, until the newest methods for this generation. With more options to choose from, people can now have the perfect body they want in a matter of hours.
Liposuction: a short history
When did man begin to change his appearance when he deemed it necessary? During the 1960’s curettage was being offered by European doctors, but were not popularized as it was morbid and caused excessive pain and bleeding. The birth of modern liposuction was in 1982, as introduced by a French doctor who used a suction-assisted lipolysis. Since then, Americans have seen the fast changes of bodies and faces.
From its painful origins of curettage to the modern laser techniques of today, liposuction, or lipo for short, has evolved into more expensive but less painful sessions that yield more beautiful results. A decade ago, skin firming and skin tightening techniques were not employed, and brute force and scalpels were used. But now, most liposuction procedures use lasers, and also skin tightening techniques so the patient will have a slimmer body with little or no loose skin. The old methods may have been cheaper, but these new ones guarantee quick recovery and minimal bruising. Some of the newest and cutting edge lipo techniques are as follows:
Smart Lipo or Laser Lipo
In this surgery, a surgeon will direct a laser to vaporize fat cells then extract them from the body using a small suction tube or cannula. The lasers, because of their heat, also seal off blood vessels under the skin to encourage collagen growth, which makes the skin tight and firm. This method is the oldest among those stated here, although it still is better than the method decades ago which used scalpels to literally scrape off the fat. Compared to the knife, lasers take minimal time in procedure, and normal activity can be resumed with only days after the surgery. The only catch is the pain, because it’s an “awake” procedure, and often it turns out having uneven results.
Cool Lipo surgery
Cool Lipo surgery stimulates the formation of new collagen for the skin, but at the same time it removes unwanted fat from a small area of the body. The surgeons for this procedure would grant anesthesia to the patient, and then inserts a laser to dissolve fat cells and encourage collagen growth. This procedure is relatively new and is not practiced at many centers, but it’s considered less invasive than a face-lift.
In this procedure, medicine is injected deep in the pockets of fat tissue under the skin to dissolve unwanted fat. It works well with exercise and a healthy diet, and is actually the least expensive on this list. The results, however, are not immediate, and could take about a quarter of a year to 6 months before the patients see results. Nevertheless, it’s considered the “healthiest” and least invasive of all lipo procedures. The problem with lipolysis is a few small lumps often appear in the area where the medicine is injected, as fats are being dissolved.
Body Jet Lipo
Another relatively new surgery, body-jet technique is water-assisted. Meaning, during the procedure, a gentle, pulsating spray of water loosens the fat in the body, and then these are suctioned out. Its basic difference is that there is no lasers or medicine involved or injected – just plain and simple water is used to dislodge the fat, which effectively minimizes side-effects. It has reduced bruising, shorter recovery time, a quicker procedure, and a more precise operation.
With more advancements in technology, we can expect more advancements in cosmetic surgery as well. More procedures can be discovered that have minimal side effects, and have better results. Although, many doctors would advise people not to rely on liposuction alone. Exercise and a healthy diet are still the best ways to maintain a great-looking and healthy body.
Write comment (0 Comments)Diet Wars: Men, Women and Food
If one is to follow the social typecast, one is likely to conclude that men eat like lions and women, like birds. A typical male will favor red meat, pork, sausages, egg and starchy food, while a typical female will shy away from them. Meat, which represents virility is classified as “male food” while fruits and vegetables are considered “feminine.” Men also tend to eat more because society has given them the license to be fat while women should always be slim. Men are more likely to admit that they eat for pleasure, while women will use food for a physique that will fall within socially accepted norms on beauty and fitness.
Such an observation is true based on several studies conducted about the eating habits of men and women. Both men and women have specific reason on why they eat certain food items but women put more weight on food as a source of nutrition. Women would also regard food as a source of comfort or a method for maintaining overall health and well-being.
The Numbers
A research conducted by the International Food Information Foundation in the US reveals that women are indeed more discriminating than men in terms of the kinds of food they eat. The study shows that women tend to benefit from and contribute to their overall fitness.
In addition, both men and women believe that specific foods and beverages target their unique gender-specific needs. The following are some of the observations made by the study.
- 53 percent of women consume specific foods they believe will make them health while 48 percent of men believe the same.
- 42 percent of women choose certain foods that make them full or satisfied. A lower percentage of men, 27 percent choose food for the same reason. In general, men believe that volume and not the type of food is the key to satisfying their hunger.
- 41 percent of women pick food items that aid their digestive health and only 33 percent consciously make this choice.
- 34 percent limit their diet to food that will lessen the effects of whatever disease or medical condition they presently have. 27 percent of men do the same.
- 34 percent of women include food in their diet that boosts their energy or stamina. Surprisingly, only 27 percent of men who are actively engaged in sports are mindful of this.
- 34 percent of women put a premium on the food items that increase their mental performance while 27 percent of men do so.
- 33 percent of women utilize food that will prevent them from acquiring certain diseases. 25 percent of men have this level of awareness (the rest find out too late after consuming too much that they have acquired a life-style related disease).
- 30 percent of women maximize the benefits of food to improve their overall appearance while 20 percent of men are equally conscious of this benefit.
Sex and Food Choices
Based on the study, one can conclude that men are not really that health-conscious when it comes to making decisions about the food they eat. The study also shows that women tend to be more satisfied with their health status but pay more attention to their weight than men. As a result, women are more likely to make more changes in their diet than men in order to improve their health.
In a survey conducted by the International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases in Atlanta, Georgia, it was shown that men are more likely to consume meat and poultry products. Aside from being potential sources of bacteria and viruses when poorly prepared, meat increases the risk factors for acquiring lifestyle diseases. These include cardio vascular, hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes.
Women on the other hand prefer vegetables like carrots and tomatoes and fruits like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and apples. A common denominator of all these plants is that they are rich in chemicals and anti-oxidants that possess anti-aging properties and prevent certain diseases. Women also prefer dry foods such as almonds and walnuts and consume more eggs and yogurt.
Freshness Factor
While women prefer fresh meat over frozen ones, they tend to shy away from undercooked items like burgers and steaks, runny or over-easy eggs, raw oysters and cheese made from unpasteurized milk. In general, men don’t mind if their food is under cooked. This gives an insight into women’s heightened alertness of food items that are potential sources of diseases. Women are also more likely to eat raw vegetables like salads and greens and sprouts.
When it comes to snacks, men and women’s preferences vary as well. Women consider themselves healthy “snackers.” Women choose fruits, nuts and vegetables over the over the counter kind. When dining out, men would usually go for burgers and pizza. In addition, women are on the lookout for healthier options in fast food or fine-dining restaurants.
Age Factor
As men and women age, their eating habits are likely to change or mature as well. A separate study conducted in Japan that focused on the eating habits of older citizens showed more middle-aged men took more nutrients from food rather than women. However, women took the lion’s share in consuming vegetables and fruits. Interestingly, despite the increased risks of acquiring lifestyle-related diseases, men still consumed high amounts of alcohol compared to women who preferred tea. Men were able to consume more nutrients simply because of the sheer volume of food they eat. Women despite eating less were able to show more variety in the food they ate.
Write comment (0 Comments)A Quick Look into Eating Disorders
There’s nothing wrong with the desire of being thinner or at least losing a few pounds, but if you're doing certain things to lose weight excessively or perhaps the other way around, you might be experiencing a type of eating disorder. This is usually common in teens since high school life is the time when bullying and peer pressure arise, but eating disorders can also be present in younger or older individuals. So what is it anyway? What are the types and what symptoms are there?
Eating disorder is basically a general term that encompasses every cachexia which has something to do with food consumption. It is a group of serious conditions wherein the patient tends to be extremely caught up mentally with the food she's consuming and with her weight. If you think that eating disorders can be changed by simply changing your diet, betting think again. Aside from difficulty in treatment, it's also difficult to catch the disorder. Furthermore, having a type of eating disorder and refusing to treat yourself will make you prone to other serious health problems which are usually life-threatening.
Today, there are more than 8 types of eating disorders that are experienced by people around the globe. Most of it arises in women, but men also have their fair share. Treatment also depends on the type of disorder you have, hence, home remedy without consulting a physician or any other medical expert is not advisable.
Anorexia Nervosa
This is the most common type of eating disorder and is characterized by an unwillingness to eat. With this, you tend to feel extreme fear of gaining weight and end up wanting to maintain a weight lower than what is advisable for your age. Anorexia does not only affect your body and nutrition but also your mind and the way you think. In worse cases, it affects the emotion of the patient. Here’s a shortlist of its probable cause.
• Stressful events in life such as deaths, divorce, or losing good friends • Having a job that calls for perfect weight and shape like modeling or ballet • Family members also have an eating disorder • Attitude of extreme perfectionism
Bulimia Nervosa
This is yet another type of eating disorder where binge eating occurs. This is characterized by eating large amounts of food in a short span of time and afterwards, forcing yourself to eliminate all the food from your body. Forced vomiting is said to be the easiest way, but other people with bulimia engage in too much workout and consume laxatives. According to research, binge arises because people feel comfort from food, however, if you feel you have consumed too much, you end up forcing yourself to eliminate all the food. Causes are as follows:
• One or more family members have a certain type of eating disorder • One or more family member is obese • Extreme perfectionism • Extreme stress whether with life or with work
Binge Eating Disorder
BED or Binge Eating Disorder is a recently-acknowledged eating disorder. This is described by chain episodes of binge eating, however, unlike bulimia you don’t force the food you ate to exit from your body via vomiting. BED makes you extra conscious with the calories you consume.
Most people with this eating disorder appear perfectly normal and has proper weight as well, however, in due time, they may gain excessive weight and become obese. Until today, experts are still blank about the causes of binge eating.
This is an uncommon eating disorder wherein you don’t gain control over your workouts and food intake. It's somewhat installed in your mind that, after eating, you will have to have extreme workout until you assume that all fats you consumed are already burned. This is usually common in athletes, and unlike anorexia, hypergymnasia doesn’t fully focus on the physical image. This is also one of the eating disorders that have no exact cause.
Psychotherapy is one of the most common treatments for eating disorders. It will help you realize that what you're doing is wrong. It also helps you determine which are the right actions and the wrong ones in terms of eating and staying fit and healthy. This therapy also helps you obtain a better relationship with your mood.
Family therapy is another treatment done to those who are quite young yet already experiencing an eating disorder. With this treatment, your entire family should cooperate and should make adjustments to make you feel accepted and comfortable. Alongside both of these therapies are chemical-based drugs which may be prescribed depending on how worse your eating disorder is.
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