Guide to Cellulite and Related Treatments

Cellulite is an unpleasant skin condition that can result to a young person looking older than his/her age mainly due to excess fat deposited in some areas of the body.

According to statistics, women are much more susceptible to cellulite than men, with over 90 percent of women worldwide having been affected. Due to the prevalence and notoriety of cellulite, a number of treatments were introduced to combat its effects particularly the accelerated aging process.

In fact, cosmetic surgery experts are constantly researching and formulating alternative ways on how to combat cellulite and its effects.

What exactly is cellulite?

Cellulite, as already stated above, is an unpleasant skin condition. Cellulite creates a dimpled (and in some instances wrinkled) appearance in a person’s hips, thighs and buttocks. It is important to remember that cellulite is not actually a skin disease but a prevailing condition that attacks connective tissues, resulting to a lumpy look.

Cellulite should not be taken for granted. It is best that you consult your cosmetic surgeon if and when you think your connective tissues are being attacked by cellulites.

What are the causes of cellulite?

There are a number of critical factors that can increase the risk against cellulite. Some of these critical factors include gender, genetic predisposition, hormonal influence, diet and the drugs and medications you take.

1) Gender

Obviously, women are much more likely to be affected by cellulite than men. This is because women’s body fat accounts for approximately 23 percent of their total body weight compared to men who boast 10-15 percent.

2) Genetic predisposition

The genetic predisposition of a person can also increase his/her risk against cellulite. Several studies and experiments during the past have already proved this point.

3) Hormonal influence

Hormones are said to play a very critical role in the formation of cellulites. Sex hormones of women primarily estrogen and progesterone are two hormones that can trigger the formation of cellulite, further emphasizing that women are much more likely to have cellulite than men.

4) Diet

Your diet is also a strong determinant on whether or not you’ll develop cellulite or not. Keeping a close watch on your diet (which will be discussed in detail below) is a way to prevent the development of cellulite.

5) Drugs and medications

The drugs and medications you take may also have an impact on cellulite development. Diet and sleeping pills are said to contribute to the development of cellulite, so as much as possible, avoid taking these types of drugs.

What are the different kinds of cellulite treatments?

Cellulite treatments have been available as early as the 80s and 90s. Nevertheless, newer alternatives such as noninvasive ones like mesotherapy and laser or light therapy have recently been introduced in the medical market.

Mesotherapy basically involves injecting certain drugs and chemicals to the patient’s body in an effort to fight off cellulite and its effects. On the other hand, laser or light therapy, from its name itself, makes use of lasers to burn and eliminate fat in unwanted areas.

Aside from these two noninvasive treatments, you can also try dietary supplements or herbal wraps to treat cellulite.

Some tips on how to prevent cellulite

There is an old adage that prevention is better than cure. And that is so much true with regards to cellulite and other skin conditions requiring surgery or noninvasive treatment. For one, the cost of a cellulite treatment can be very expensive especially in western countries like the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, wherein the cost can range from a couple of thousand dollars to even up to five figures.

Hence preventing cellulite should be a priority if you want to have younger looking and youthful skin. Below are some easy and effective ways on how you can become invulnerable against cellulite and its harsh effects.

1) Watch your diet

The first and foremost thing that you should pay close attention to is your diet. If you want to maintain the youthful glow of your skin and prevent cellulite, you should eat a healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Putting fruits and vegetables on your daily diet will do the trick.

2) Drink lots of water/fluids

Drinking eight glasses of water a day is not enough. It should be noted that water is not the only important fluid that you should take. Other healthy alternatives like fruit juices, milk and even a bowl of soup will do.

3) Regular exercise is a must

Regular exercise is a part of a healthy lifestyle and if you want to really achieve a younger looking skin, it is imperative that you exercise at least once a week. Exercising for about an hour or two during weekends is a good rule of thumb.

4) Sufficient sleep and rest

Sufficient amount of sleep and rest are also important to prevent cellulite from making you look older. Experts say that the eight hour rule is already outdated and the recommended amount of sleep (for optimum performance) is now pegged at around six-seven hours per day.

5) Avoid smoking/second hand smoke

You should also avoid smoking and second hand smoke not only to prevent cellulite but also to protect yourself against risks and complications brought by the dangers or cigarettes. For smokers wanting to quit, it is ideal to quit on smoking gradually on a constant basis – not quitting altogether immediately.


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