Liposuction Surgery – Understanding the Process

Burn Stomach FatCandidates for liposuction surgery are first asked to undergo a complete physical checkup to assess if they meet the physical requirements for surgery. It is here where your doctor discusses the surgical procedure in general and tries to explain each step taken during the medical procedure. Surgeons also try to inform the patient about the possible complications and expected results.

Patients are expected to submit their complete medical history as well as all medications being taken. This is to reduce or eliminate possible complications brought by surgery. Those with delicate health conditions for example are discouraged to undergo liposuction until such time that their personal physicians gives them clearance for surgery.

It is expected that surgeons discuss in detail the pros and cons of surgery. This is to prepare the patient both mentally and physically for surgery. Patients are encouraged to discuss any concerns with their physician during this stage. This is done to help the patient decide if liposuction surgery is something they would like to have and alleviate some of the stress prior to surgery.

What Happens During Liposuction Surgery

After the patient is prepared for surgery, the surgeon identifies the area where fats are to be removed and marks it with a pen. Anesthesia is then administered to eliminate pain during surgery. Local or general anesthesia is used according to the extent of surgery. This is sometimes administered directly over the target area and includes medications that reduce bleeding.

When local anesthesia is administered the patient is awake during the operation. However, no pain is felt in the treatment area. For those which require longer periods for surgery, general anesthesia is used to put the patient to sleep during treatment.

The patient vital signs are constantly monitored during surgery. An incision is made once the anesthesia takes effect. A hollow tube or canula which is about the size of a pen is then inserted. This is done by using gentle rocking motion where fat is suctioned out.  Fats and liquids are then collected in a flask for disposal. An intravenous line or I.V. is used to replace lost fluids during surgery.

After Surgery

Patients are usually released from hospital care after surgery. They are immediately sent for a few hours to a recovery room and assessed by the doctor. When no medical complications are seen, the patient is sent home for recovery. But before patients are sent home, the doctor provides after care instructions. This includes medications and activities to be avoided. The surgeon also gives an estimated time for recovery and when the patient is able to resume their normal daily activities.

Patients are advised to wear compression garments for proper healing. This is to prevent wounds from opening and promote proper tissue healing. Doctors also usually provide medications to relive pain and prevent infections. However, for prolonged pain or bleeding it is advised that you consult with your doctor immediately. Expect scars where fats have been removed or where instruments have been inserted.


Some medical experts still do not consider liposuction as a treatment for obesity. These are still considered as cosmetic surgery procedures that are only done to enhance a person’s appearance. But the fact that people start to believe and feel good about themselves is a benefit that could not be denied.

Some people become disappointed with the results of liposuction when the doctor is unable to set expectations before surgery. They might think that liposuction surgery is a miraculous cure that would instantly give them the figure they have always wanted.

For some people with severe weight problems, multiple treatments are advised. Although liposuction is the fastest way to lose unwanted fat deposits it still has its limits.


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