Exercise Tips That Keep off Excess Fat after Liposuction
Are you aware that if you are not careful, you may gain excess fat even after liposuction? If you do not exercise, fat may come back even if you have already undergone liposuction.
A new study has suggested that people who had liposuction are three times more likely to gain weight if they do not eat a healthy diet and if they do not have regular exercise. However, those who have regular exercise are more likely to lose weight after liposuction. Liposuction should not be a quick fix for weight loss. This procedure should be coupled with proper diet and exercise to have more long-lasting results.
The study mentioned earlier evaluated over 209 people who underwent liposuction between the years 1999 to 2003. These people were studied based on their lifestyle habits, the areas of liposuction and their satisfaction with the procedure. The results showed that about 43% of people have gained weight since they had liposuction, at an average of five to 10 pounds. Among those who had weight gain, about 10% have increased their exercise levels and about 22% have improved their diet. Among the 57% who did not gain weight, about 35% said they had exercised more and about 50% were eating a healthier diet. In general, about 80% were satisfied with the liposuction results. This study only showed that to lose weight after liposuction, one must exercise regularly.
So what types of exercises are the best in keeping off excess fat after liposuction? So far, the best exercises to burn fat and keep it off are cardio exercises. Cardio exercises are exercises that raise the heart rate to levels that can energize you. Cardio exercises are beneficial after liposuction because they can help you burn more calories and help you lose weight. They can also increase your lung capacity and help reduce your risk of high cholesterol, heart attack, high blood pressure and diabetes. Cardio exercises can also keep your heart strong and can help you feel good and sleep better.
So, what types of cardio exercises are the best for you? You should first think about the activities that you would like to do. Find out what type of activities are accessible to you, what fits your personality and what type of activities you are comfortable doing. If you are an outgoing person, the best choices would be hiking, cycling, running, and walking. If you like the gym, you may try exercising in stationary bikes, elliptical trainers, treadmills, rowing machines and stair masters.
If you like to work out at home, it’s possible. You can turn on exercise videos and make use of what you have at home to work out. Whatever your activity is, justmake sure that you reach your target heart rate and that you enjoy the said activity.
After you have chosen what to do, you should start with about 10 to 20 minutes of exercise and gradually increase the time of your work out according to your tolerance. You can work out for up to 30 minutes. Be flexible. You can split out your workouts into smaller workouts all throughout the day. You can also take some time out from work just to climb stairs or walk fast. You should also find time to have your workout each week. Make exercise a priority if you do not want to gain excess fat after liposuction surgery. You can schedule your workouts and stick to your appointments at the gym.
The frequency of your workout will depend on your fitness level and your schedule. If you are a beginner, you can start with 3 days of cardio and make your sessions more frequent. Aim for exercising at about 2 to 4 days a week for at least 20 minutes. To lose weight, you should aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes for about 4 or more days a week. If you are training for a sports event, you should be exercising more.
Once you have gotten used to exercising for about 30 minutes continuously, you can start working on the intensity of your cardio exercise. The intensity of your work out will depend on how much calories you want to burn and your tolerance to exercise. You can choose between moderate intensity and high-intensity cardio exercise to help you burn more calories.
So what types of cardio exercises should you engage in to help you burn fat after liposuction? Here are some examples:
Running can be a great way to help eliminate excess fat after liposuction. This exercise does not need special equipment. You can also do it anytime and anywhere. Running is also high impact exercise that helps build strong muscles and bones.
Cross-Country Skiing
This type of exercise can burn maximum calories because it involves working out the upper and lower body. However, this can only be done when there is snow. However, the movements of this exercise may be mimicked using a cross trainer at the gym.
Bicycling is an excellent cardio workout because it can increase your endurance and burn lots of calories. It all depends on how fast you go and how high your resistance is. You can incorporate this activity into your daily life.
Elliptical Trainer
This is a popular cardio machine on the gym because it allows your body to move in a natural way. It builds up endurance through gradually increasing resistance.
Swimming is another way to lose fat because it is a full body exercise. Swimming for 30 minutes can actually burn almost 400 calories.
Step Aerobics
Step aerobics can offer intensity and can increase your energy levels. It can also effectively burn calories and can target flabs in your legs, butt and hips.
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