Essential Nutrients for Weightloss
Losing weight has become one of the most sought after health activity that many people find hard to achieve. Although many dieters have become successful in their quest for weight loss, a greater number still struggle in managing their own weight. A huge problem also arises when people drastically lose weight by depriving themselves of the essential nutrients that our body needs in order to last the day.
Dieting is a health activity that must be done with discipline. It doesn’t mean that you should starve yourself or deprive yourself from food so you can cut off the extra pounds. Losing weight comes with workout and each and every session, you should replenish in order to fill up the nutrients you might have lost or you possibly lack. There are six important nutrients that our body needs to consume, and this also weighs greater if you are currently in diet program to lose weight.
Vitamin D
Studies have shown that a dieter will become more successful if he consumes more Vitamin D. Vitamin D aids in the body’s natural way of controlling the sugar levels found in the blood, by combining it with calcium and sunlight. For people who are trying to lose weight, this Vitamin is responsible for controlling Leptin, a hormone which controls a person’s appetite. Leptin acts as sensor to inform the body that it is already full. Without Leptin, a person’s tendency is to eat more than his body can take resulting to consuming more calories than you need which eventually leads to weight gain. To avoid this, dieting individuals must consume eggs, fish, milk, mushrooms, and fish liver oils.
Calcium doesn’t only prevent osteoporosis and skeletal diseases, it only helps reduce the production of fat cells in the body. Calcium deficiency will not only weaken the bones, it also allows excessive calcitriol production in the body, the hormone which is responsible for producing fat. To avoid this, one must practice to have regular calcium intake which is found in milk, cheese, and other dairy products.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid
CLA is an important nutrient that aids in the reduction of fat and strengthening the muscles of the body. This nutrient is found in eggs, meat, and dairy products. Studies have shown the consuming foods rich in CLA will help the body’s digestive system to work better.
If you want to satisfy your hunger in a healthy way, consuming foods rich in protein is an eating habit that should be practiced by any dieter. Protein helps in building strong muscles and gives you the energy to last the day especially those who practice active lifestyle.
Fatty Acids
Increasing your daily intake of essential fatty acid is important in order to condition the muscles and the heart to work effectively while dieting. This nutrient is important for giving the body enough energy to last the day as well as take care of our heart and prevent certain types of heart disease. Foods rich in fatty acids are tuna, sardines, salmon, trout, and olive oil.
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