Reasons to Reconsider a Neck Lift

In North American and European societies especially, men and women have a keen interest in ways to retain their youthful appearance through cosmetic enhancements, products and surgeries. The area that causes most people to begin considering these cosmetic improvements is the face and neck. Face lifts are among the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries in both previously mentioned continents.

As with any surgical procedure, there are many risks and side effects that patients become susceptible to. Typically, this is more common among surgeries than with other methods of improvement in the neck area. The neck is a very sensitive, delicate area of the body that can easily be damaged, a good reason why these procedures should be avoided.

It takes a very skilled hand and a sharp eye to ensure that all incisions and the removal of excess tissue is equal on both sides. Neck lifts require the same amount of work on the same areas all around the front, back and sides. Uneven results are very common, and usually cannot be fixed until months later. Not all surgeons insure their work, so the patient may end up paying for their surgeon's mistake.

The neck is also a very difficult area of the body to work on cosmetically. It requires special care to ensure that sensitive arteries, airways and throat are not damaged during the procedure. Neck lifts have been known to cause the skin to become discolored in areas that are not easily concealed and leave unsightly bumps in the flesh.

When neck lifts are performed, anesthesia is used to numb the nerve endings which allows the patient to feel no pain while the surgeon works. It is possible for a patient to be given too much anesthesia, which leaves them with a numb feeling for days or weeks after surgery. In rare cases, the numbness seems to become permanent. It is also possible for the nerve endings to become severed in the area of the incision, leaving a permanent sensation of numbness.

It is important to consider all aspects of cosmetic surgery before a consultation appointment. For those who have already made numerous efforts in improving a particular area of their body, this should be discussed with a qualified physician - he might be able to recommend another alternative method that has not been tried before a commitment to surgery is made.

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