Healthy Eating Habits After Liposuction
Liposuction is a procedure which removes unwanted fat in certain areas of the body so that body contours are improved. After liposuction, one should be careful about his or her diet so that healing from the procedure is maximized and unwanted fat will not come back.
So, what types of foods must one eat after liposuction? Here they are:
The best foods to consume after liposuction are fresh, organic vegetables. Vegetables are categorized according to their color because vegetable color often determines their effects on health. Red and pink vegetables such as tomatoes, beets, red bell peppers or radishes contain lycopene and ellagic acid which are important nutrients. These nutrients lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease and cancer. Green vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli and cabbage contain chlorphyll, fiber and other nutrients such as Vitamin C, calcium, folate, magnesium and beta carotenes.
Orange and yellow vegetables contain Vitamin C and bioflavonoids which are antioxidants that promote healing and regeneration of cells. Purple or blue vegetables such as eggplants and purple cabbage contain phytochemicals such as anthocyanins that also contain antioxidants to help burn fat and promote healing.
The best fruits to consume after a liposuction include apples and peaches, apricots, avocados, bananas, oranges and citrus fruits, watermelons, strawberries and pomegranates. These fruits are low in calories yet rich in fiber and antioxidants that helps burn fat. Avocados can lower your cholesterol levels by as much as 9 to 43 percent. These fruits contain phytonutrients that not only help burn fat but also make you look and feel younger through their anti-aging effects.
Green Tea
Green tea is known to have various health benefits known to man since ancient times. Green tea is said to reduce the risk of heart disease because it lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol by reducing the absorption of cholesterol through the gut. Thus we can say that green tea fights bad fat. In one study, drinking one to three cups of green tea per day was able to lower high blood pressure by 46 percent. It is said that the nutrient responsible for green tea’s health benefits is EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), a polyphenol which can also fight against cancers and can reduce inflammation.
Aside from its heart healthy benefits, green tea can also help reduce body fat and excess weight. You can enjoy the health benefits of green tea by steeping it for two to three minutes in boiling water.
Vegetable Protein (Soy, Miso, Tofu)
There are two types of protein: animal proteins and vegetable proteins. Vegetable contains high quality protein such as soy protein which is excellent for recovery from illnesses and surgery. Other sources of vegetable proteins are rice and legumes such as beans; however these types of protein do not contain all essential amino acids. Soy protein is the only complete source of protein among the vegetable proteins.
Amino acids found in soy replace worn-out and damaged tissues after liposuction. These amino acids also help build muscles that burn excess fat additionally.
Fish and Seafood
Fish and seafood are best choices after liposuction because they are low in saturated fat while being rich sources of protein and iron which are essential in recovery from surgery and illness. They also contain B vitamins and promote the growth of new tissues after damage or stress. Omega-3 fatty acids are present in fish and seafood, and these substances prevent and treat heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes, digestive disorders and cancer. Cold-water fatty fish such as salmon and tuna contain large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, so you may choose to eat these.
Lean Animal Protein
As previously mentioned, protein is essential in building and repairing body tissues and in burning excess fat. Your diet should contain 1-3 servings of lean animal protein per week. Lean meat is not only a good source of complete protein and iron; it also contains B vitamins and lesser saturated fat. You may opt to include lean animal protein sources in your diet such as chicken, turkey, flank steak, extra lean ground beef, sirloin tip, tenderloin, lamb chops and wild game meat. In general, choose lean meat which contains less than 3g of fat per 1 oz.
Low Fat Dairy Foods and Egg Whites
Low fat or non-fat dairy foods contain a lot of calcium which is essential for bones, teeth and cell function. You should opt to consume 1-3 servings of these foods per day. You can also take fermented or probiotic milk products such as yogurt or kefir because they contain a healthy type of bacteria that can lower bad (LDL) cholesterol, convert dietary fiber into healthy fats, and increase good (HDL) cholesterol.
Low Glycemic Load Carbohydrates
Low glycemic carbs are composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. They have a GI index of 55 or less. They do not cause blood sugar levels to spike thus they promote better wound healing and make people lose excess weight. They also help reduce blood cholesterol levels, prolong endurance to exercise, and reduce risk of heart disease.
Healthy Fats
Healthy fats are composed of extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, nuts and seeds. You should have about 3-9 servings per day of these foods. These foods contain monounsaturated fats and Omega-3 fatty acids that provide antioxidants such as selenium and Vitamin E and can lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure. These healthy fats also help the body absorb important nutrients such as Vitamins A, D, E and K and helps prevent diabetes, heart disease, cancer and inflammation.
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Long Term Side Effects of Liposuction
.Side effects
Hate fat? You have every reason not to like excess fat, especially the one piling up over your abdomen. Having a lot of excess fat is bad because it increases your risk of acquiring deadly diseases. With a lot of excess fat you can get heart and blood vessel disease, gallbladder problems, cancer, dementia and numerous other health conditions.
The best ways to fight excess fat are diet and exercise. However, even though you follow a strict diet regimen and even if you exercise regularly, you may still get resistant fat. There are two types of fat: brown fat and white fat. White fat is the type of active fat that regulates hormones and gives off energy. Brown fat is the resistant type of fat that is not very active and is usually the one located in the abdomen, neck, back and chest. Diet and exercise cannot simply burn resistant fat that can give rise to an unshapely figure.
This is when liposuction comes in. Liposuction is a type of surgical procedure that helps remove resistant and stubborn fat to improve body contours. Liposuction is not a type of surgery which can lead to weight loss; neither can it remove cellulite. Liposuction merely removes excess fat in certain areas of the body. In this procedure, fat is being removed through a hollow metal tube or a cannula which is aimed towards the fatty portion of the body. This procedure varies with the technique in fat removal, the more common techniques utilizing vacuum, laser and ultrasound.
After the procedure, the patient can usually go back to his or her usual daily activities in a few days. However, in a few instances, liposuction may have some long term side effects, especially if the technique is not done carefully. This could be due to faulty technique or inexperience in the part of the operator. Or it may be that the procedure has removed large volumes of fat in one session or that there is trauma present in the surrounding tissues.
So what are these long term effects? They are described below:
There may be swelling within a few days after liposuction. In some cases, swelling persists for a long time. During the first 5 to 10 days after liposuction, swelling may be due to an inflammatory reaction resulting from trauma to the tissues due to surgery. If you have undergone liposuction and you have swelling for more than 10 days, you should notify the surgeon. Swelling may be present from 6 weeks to 1 year after liposuction before it completely subsides. It is said that up to 80% of swelling will be gone after 6 weeks post-liposuction.
Liposuction may take a long time to subside because this procedure may affect the drainage of the lymphatic tissues. The lymphatic vessels are the vessels that extract fluid from the affected tissues during liposuction. Since the lymphatic vessels cannot efficiently carry fluid in this case, fluid builds up and swelling results.
Swelling typically occurs in the legs and in some cases, it may be present in the mons pubis (the area above the pubic area of women) and in the genitals in women.
Another cause of swelling after liposuction is the presence of excess fluids, as that brought about by the wetting solution used in tumescent liposuction. Or, swelling may be caused by the formation of a seroma, a collection of fluid or serum. Seromas are common in ultrasound liposuction.
Bleeding and Bruising
Bleeding may occur after liposuction because of possible injury to blood vessels on the treatment area. Large-volume bleeding may require emergency treatment such as blood transfusion or draining of accumulated blood on the treatment area. The risk of bleeding is increased when a person takes in anti-clotting medications such as aspirin or warfarin within 14 days or two weeks before liposuction.
There may also be bruising which may be mild. Bruising may typically be present within days to weeks after liposuction. Methods that aim to minimize bruising include the power liposuction technique and the act of leaving entry sites where cannulas are inserted open to drain.
Infection resulting from liposuction is very rare, due to the fact that the ruptured fat cells left behind after tumescent liposuction create inflammation that prevent infections. Additionally, tumescent fluid used in liposuction often has antibacterial properties. Should infection actually happen due to unsterile techniques, antibiotics can be given. In some cases, additional surgery may be needed to remove the cause of the infection.
Change in Nerve Function
There may be numbness in the treated area after liposuction and this may be due to nerve damage or changes in nerve function. Numbness is often common with ultrasound liposuction.
The change in nerve function after liposuction is due to the fact that the outer sheath of nerve cells made of myelin may get stripped out causing damage to sensory nerves. It is said that about 6% of patients experience nerve problems after liposuction. These nerve problems range from pins-and-needles sensations to pain and numbness. In facial or jaw liposuction, there may be damage to the nerve that supplies the lower facial muscles.
Nerve function may return without treatment for quite some time after liposuction.
There may be unevenness in about 3% of patients that undergo liposuction. This unevenness causes asymmetry and surface irregularity.
Skin necrosis
Liposuction may create skin necrosis and fat fibrosis in about 4% of patients. Skin necrosis creates skin texture changes and may be due to cell damage from ultrasonic energy during ultrasound liposuction. In addition, there may be brownish discoloration of the skin due to the leakage of hemosiderin, a product of red cell breakdown present in cells. This is one long-term effect of liposuction that do not easily go away on its own.
It is said that liposuction may increase free radical formation that may cause cell damage. There are still no studies linking liposuction to cancer.
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Get Cheap Liposuction Treatments – Know your Options
Stomach Liposuction Cost
Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery treatments nowadays and it’s not even surprising. This type of cosmetic surgery is actually a body-shaping technique and we all know how conscious people are when it comes to their body figure.
However traditional liposuction is not readily accessible to everyone. Liposuction can be really costly. On one hand, it does not mean that it’s unattainable. There is a way to get cheap liposuction treatments. You should only be patient with your search.
What is Liposuction and Why You Need It?
Liposuction, as already mentioned above, is a type of cosmetic surgery in which the body is shaped to achieve a more attractive and slimmer body figure. Liposuction is sometimes considered as a weight loss regimen but most cosmetic surgeons do not recommend it as a way of weight loss, citing the side effects and complications of an excessive amount of fat removed from the patient’s body.
People who have sagging face, neck and shoulders are good candidates for liposuction as well as people who are conscious of their figure. Even Hollywood celebrities and sports superstars have underwent liposuction treatments during the past.
What are the Various Types/Techniques of Liposuction?
What makes liposuction a very interesting form of cosmetic surgery is the fact that there are various types and techniques of liposuction. Some of the more popular forms of liposuction include the tumescent technique, the dry technique, the wet technique, the UAL or the ultrasonic assisted liposuction and the SmartLipo among others.
Each type is different in many aspects including the amount of general and local anesthesia needed, the way the treatment works and the level of invasiveness.
Cheap Liposuction Treatments – Advantages and Disadvantages
Cheap liposuction is already becoming a trend these days. With the entry of liposuction types and techniques that are nontraditional, the competition gets tighter and the price becomes more affordable than ever. However getting cheap liposuction treatments is still hard – that’s something that won’t change.
In order to arrive at a better and a more informed buying decision, it is imperative that we look over the advantages and disadvantages of cheap liposuction treatments.
For starters, it’s important and wise to take note that the cheapest liposuction isn’t always the best and that the best isn’t always the highest priced. You need to really dig deep and find out the level of experience and expertise your cosmetic surgeon has.
Figure out whether or not his experience and expertise justify the price he’s asking for – that’s the real measure of affordability.
How Much Would a Liposuction Cost?
The cost of liposuction varies greatly depending on what country or what state (if you’re in the US) you are in. A ballpark figure for a single liposuction treatment would be more or less $2,500. Hence you need to prepare roughly five times that amount if you are planning to undergo liposuction.
You might ask, why five times?
The reason is that a single liposuction may not be that effective or may show only minimal results. You need at least four sessions of liposuction to see lasting results. Additionally, you need to also allocate extra funds for the downtime and recovery stage – which usually last 1-2 weeks after a successful treatment.
How Many Sessions You Need For Better and More Lasting Results?
In order to see lasting results, you need to undergo at least four liposuction sessions. If you want a large amount of fat be removed from your body, it can’t be done at once. For that reason, multiple sessions are required.
Aside from that, you should also pay close attention to the downtime and recovery period. Hiring a private nurse can help you a lot. If you can’t afford it though, you can simply ask a close friend, a trusted neighbor or a relative to accompany you during the first week after your liposuction treatment.
Is Liposuction Covered by Medical Insurance?
In general, cosmetic surgery is not covered by any medical insurance. On the other hand, specific stipulations in one’s medical insurance can be requested (especially for commercial insurance packages) for it to cover cosmetic surgery treatments like liposuction.
Smaller City, Smaller Cost – Is It True?
An old belief is that a smaller city means smaller cost. While it may be true and it has been proven true many times before, it is still important to look at it on a case to case basis.
The size of the city wherein the liposuction treatment will take place must not be the sole factor patients looking for cheap liposuction should look into. It’s also imperative to look at how urbanized a city or a state is.
Take for instance New York City, the city isn’t that big but prices of goods and services including liposuction in New York are higher than prices in most states. For that reason, a liposuction patient should really think and consider the location where the treatment will be performed so as to get a better and cheaper price.
Compare Surgeons/Hospitals through the Internet
With the help of the Internet, looking for cheap liposuction treatments has become a lot easier. With a simple Google search, you can easily find cosmetic surgeons and hospitals and compare their respective liposuction and other service rates online.
Is There a Way to Get a Free Liposuction Treatment?
If you’re thinking of getting a free liposuction treatment, then the best way you can have it is when you’re in government service. As pointed out above, most medical insurance packages do not cover cosmetic surgery treatments.
Write comment (0 Comments)Revolutionary Body Contouring: Vaser Lipo
All of us want to look our best, and many of us are willing to spend hundreds of dollars just to look our best. This is because an attractive physical appearance is one ticket towards professional success and personal relationships. This is why many aesthetic techniques are being developed nowadays to offer not only almost-perfect results but also safety and minimal risk. One of these techniques is Vaser liposuction. But what is it and how does it differ from other liposuction techniques? Let us find out.
Vaser Lipo is a body contouring procedure which uses the liposuction technique in getting rid of fat. As a liposuction procedure, it is designed to remove stubborn fat that persists despite diet and exercise. Stubborn fat resistant to diet and exercise usually exists in the buttocks, thighs, hips, chin, knees, waistline and love handles. In cases like this, liposuction does the trick. Liposuction works for people who have localized areas of excess fat even though they have normal weight.
However, Vaser Lipo is different from a traditional liposuction because it is a more selective procedure than other forms of liposuction. Nowadays, tumescent liposuction is considered to be the most common type of liposuction being done and is considered by many to be safer than the earlier techniques of removing fat. However, this technique, along with the other techniques, is still not free from flaws, one of which is uneven fat removal. There may be uneven suctioning of fat resulting in the overtreatment of some areas and the under-treatment of other areas. Also there is skin inflammation in the place of the incisions made. Also, tumescence liposuction is not without complications, such as formation of hematomas or bruises. If unlucky, patients may become at risk for deep venous thrombosis, a condition in which blood clots can form and may slow or change the flow of blood in the blood vessels.
Skin necrosis or death of the affected skin happens from faulty methods of liposuction which employ excessive superficial lipolysis methods. Cell death is due to trauma of the blood supply of the overlying skin. Trauma such as this can also lead to either partial or full thickness necrosis of the skin when it is complicated by infection. Aside from necrosis and infection, uneven and non-targeted lipolysis leads to blood vessel thrombosis or clotting inside blood vessels and blood vessel inflammation or vasculitis.
Inflammatory injury of the skin may also cause the rupture of skin cells containing pigment. This creates the release of melanin pigment granules in the surrounding skin. What happens is that the macrophage cells of the body are going to eat up this pigment and cause hyperpigmentation. This hyperpigmentation may last from months to years. Along with this hyperpigmentation, there may be dents, lumpiness and furrows. A lipotrop is the most common undesirable effect of liposuction which results from the excessive and uneven removal of fat. Lipotrops are present as depressions, dimples and grooves in the skin. A liponot is a focal area of insufficient or uneven liposuction. All these are drawbacks of earlier forms of liposuction.
So, how does Vaser Lipo differ from earlier forms of liposuction?
First, Vaser Lipo uses the latest ultrasound technology to differentiate fat from other tissues of the body such as connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves. This leads to smoother results as compared to earlier forms of liposuction, with minimal injury to the surrounding tissues. This is because Vaser Lipo uses a technique called LipoSelection® that targets specific areas of the body. There are better curves and better body definition even in areas which are hard to fix. Large quantities of fat can also be easily removed. There is a more precise sculpting of the delicate areas of the body. With Vaser Lipo, there is less trauma and fast recovery along with smooth and tight results.
Vaser Lipo still makes use of a tumescent saline solution which not only shrinks the blood vessels and prevents bleeding but also numbs the site against pain. This saline solution also enables easy breakdown of fat by ultrasound energy. Ultrasound energy is then transmitted by a small probe inserted into the treatment area which further breaks up fat while preserving the surrounding tissues. Fat cells are broken down by resonance at high ultrasound frequency. The energy shakes loose fat cells while preserving connective tissues, blood vessels and nerves. Finally, fat is suctioned off gently so that further injury is minimized. After the procedure, patients are usually given a recovery regimen so that maximum skin retraction is encouraged and recovery is hastened. Massage therapy may also be recommended to enhance results.
The recovery time is dependent on the complexity of the procedure, the amount of fat removed, and the number of areas treated. With Vaser Lipo, you immediately see results after the procedure. Results are said to be more evident in about three to four months, during which the tissues in the treatment areas are said to heal. If you are worrying that you will gain more weight or that fat will migrate to other areas, don’t be. This is a common misconception; it will not happen. To make sure that you will not gain more fat, live a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition and exercise.
Vaser Lipo is ideal in treating fat in areas such as the face, chin, abdomen, back, male and female breasts, hips, arms, love handles, thighs, buttocks, knees, calves and ankles. Vaser Lipo also enables treatment of multiple areas of the body at a time. Your doctor will be the one to determine the amount of fat to be removed from your problem areas so that curves are enhanced. Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, so do not expect to get too much weight loss after treatment.
If you are worrying about the procedure, take note that Vaser Lipo is usually performed in a sterile and clean environment such as the doctor’s office, an outpatient surgery center or a hospital. This procedure may be done under local anesthesia only or your doctor may prescribe IV sedation of general anesthesia. This is dependent on your overall medical condition and work to be done. The procedure may last for one hour to several hours, depending in the number of areas to be treated. Your physician will decide regarding the best treatment which works for you.
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