Weight Problems: Fat Pocket and Disease
One of the major health concerns being faced by people around the world today is the growing number of people suffering from weight problems. This is a serious medical concern since weight problems increases the risk for heart disease, diabetes and cardiovascular disease in general. But weight problems go beyond the health conditions they cause. This could also have a damaging effect on the person’s self-esteem and their quality of life.
A fat pocket is the earliest sign of weight problems. These are the extra curves on the stomach, arms and buttocks. Aside from the bulges this also produces wrinkles and dimples which clearly indicate that cellulite levels are above normal. Fat pockets could be very frustrating especially for women who constantly have to adjust their wardrobe as their weight increases.
Cardiovascular and heart disease continues to be the greatest concern for people suffering from weight problems. This is because fat deposits don’t only develop over the visible areas of the body but also on the blood vessels. A fat deposit can block normal blood circulation increasing blood pressure. As a result, the heart exerts more effort in pumping out blood to the different parts of the body.
People with weight problems may also have harder time breathing as cellulite deposits place extra pressure on the lungs. The added weight leaves people constantly catching their breath even with simple activities such as walking or running.
Weight problems also increase the risk for diabetes. This medical condition happens when the body is not able to produce enough insulin to maintain blood glucose levels. The pancreas which produces insulin has to work double time to produce enough insulin and only takes a matter of time before they finally wear out.
A fat pocket indicates that a person’s cellulite is abnormally high. But the real danger posed by higher levels of cellulite content is what it does inside the body. Fat pockets can deposit themselves in the blood vessels causing heart and cardiovascular diseases. This may also lead to diabetes and life threatening strokes.
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