Tummy Tuck or Abdominal Liposuction – Which is Better

Before choosing liposuction, ask about options. Before choosing liposuction, ask about options.

Tummy tucks and abdominal liposuction are two of the most popular ways of eliminating stubborn fat from this area. The abdomen has often been described as a fat magnet that continuous to pose problems for those seeking a swimsuit-perfect body. These modern procedures after all are capable of eliminating hard to remove fats that are almost impossible to remove with diets and exercise. But before you schedule an appointment, let us first take a look into both medical procedures.

Tummy Tuck

Although liposuction has been around for awhile, tummy tucks were originally the medical procedure of choice when removing stubborn abdominal fat deposits. Also referred to as abdominoplasty, this is a surgical procedure that also requires the use of general anesthesia. An incision is made in the abdominal area and serves as an entry point for removing cellulite deposits.

Tummy tucks may not be as efficient compared to liposuction in terms of the volume of fat cells removed. It is usually done for mothers who just gave birth and want to restore their figures. Tummy tucks are more precise. It could restore normal skin tone and produces better visual results.

Abdominal Liposuction

Abdominal liposuction is a surgical procedure that is capable of removing larger amounts of fat compared to tummy tuck procedures. An anesthesia is used to desensitize the target area. An instrument is then inserted to the area that serves to introduce a saline solution. A suctioning instrument is then inserted to remove fat deposits in the area. Incisions are usually small and do not require skin removal. Stitches are used to close the wound and allowed to heal naturally. Skin reverts to its original condition and elasticity.

Disadvantages of Tummy Tuck Procedures

Tummy tucks are surgical procedures that require anesthesia and incisions. Hence, patients have to undergo considerable recovery periods.

Because of its nature, tummy tucks are not devoid of the medical complications seen in surgery. Hemorrhage, infection and pulmonary embolism are just some of the common complications seen in any type of surgery.

Scars are usually seen in the target area. This could be as big as a line that stretches from the abdomen to the pubic area. Modern tummy tuck procedures however, have minimized scars.

The rewards of tummy tucks include having a slimmer figure but it may also require surgical reconstruction of the belly button. If not done properly, this disfigurement could be visible when wearing a swimsuit.

Tummy tucks might not be as extensive or complicated as major liposuction procedures but this does not diminish the price tag that comes with it. Because it is a surgical procedure, it also comes with a higher medical bill.

Advantages of Tummy Tucks

Tummy tucks are very good in restoring normal skin tone and appearance. This is because it is capable of removing extra skin after the procedure. Women who just gave birth could benefit from this procedure because it could lessen stretch marks or loose skin.

Tummy Tucks versus Abdominal Liposuction

Abdominal liposuction is less complicated and is quicker compared to tummy tucks. Because there is less tissue trauma or smaller incisions, the patient is able to recover quicker, easier and safer.

The visual results are also much better since there are no large scars unlike tummy tucks. The skin is allowed to heal naturally making the appearance much better. However, in cases where an abnormally high level of fat deposits is removed in the abdominal area, people might find themselves with sagging skin. But all in all, people are generally satisfied with the results of abdominal liposuction.



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