Little Known Facts About Liposuction

Flat absLiposuction is a medical procedure that is performed to remove considerable amounts of fat deposits. And is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures being performed today. Liposuction has been discussed extensively but many facts are still unknown to many.

Fat cells removed during treatment is permanent

Many of us think that weight removed during liposuction can come back because fat cells return if no positive health steps are undertaken. Yes, the effects of liposuction are not permanent but this is not due to fat cells returning or growing back. We are all born with a set number of fat cells and weight gain is a result of these cells growing in mass.

Fat cells removed during liposuction are permanent. Any weight gain is due to the remaining cell growth due to large fat deposition.

Liposuction is not generally accepted as a healthy weight loss treatment

Although liposuction is being performed by surgeons, many skeptics still consider liposuction as a cosmetic surgery procedure. This treatment is considered a beauty treatment just like facelifts or tummy tucks. But the health benefits of liposuction could not be denied.

Liposuction’s direct effects include a huge reduction in body fats. And any significant loss in body fats positively affects our risks for heart disease. While others only consider liposuction as another aesthetic treatment just like facelifts, it greatly reduces our risk for cardio vascular disease and helps us live a more active lifestyle. Improved self-confidence also makes it easier for people to stick to a healthier diet just to keep the results permanent.

Everybody is a possible candidate for liposuction

Liposuction is a safe medical procedure but not everybody can be considered a candidate. The first thing that comes to mind with liposuction is a severely obese person getting tons of cellulite removed and miraculously coming out thinner after the operation. Yes, liposuction is seriously considered for people who are considered severely obese. But they should reduce their weight into acceptable limits before an operation is performed.

Liposuction has its limits and every extra pound of fat above their normal weight complicates the procedure. Those with existing heart conditions also pose a risk for surgery. Liposuction is an invasive procedure just like any type of surgery. And people who are considering an operation should consult with their doctor.

Liposuction can be done by any physician

Liposuction is a delicate medical procedure simply because it required surgery. It is an invasive procedure fraught with risks if not performed properly. Only a highly-trained cosmetic surgeon gives you the best chance of enjoying the best results while minimizing your risks for medical complications. Not all physicians are qualified to perform surgery. And not all surgeons are trained to perform liposuction. It would be a good idea to do a background check or ask your personal physician for qualified surgeons.

Multiple treatments might be required to achieve desired results

Liposuction remains to be the fastest and most effective method for removing large amounts of cellulite deposits. However, it is unable to remove all the fats in the body in one single procedure. This is especially true for those who are severely obese who have considerable stores of fat in different areas of their body. A single procedure might target fats in the abdominal area while other fat deposits are targeted in succeeding surgery.

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