Beat liposuction with alternative to lipo treatments
Approximately 1.2 billion dollars is spent on liposuction each year and the amount is expected to rise with the desire to have the perfect body increases. The desire to shape and sculpt our bodies is increasing daily and more and more are opting for the surgery opposed to changing their diet and lifestyle.
Some of the side effects of liposuction surgery are excessive bruising, swelling, post op discomfort (pain) and sometimes death. Seven out of 1000 patients have complications from liposuction surgery and 20% of those are considered major. Besides the side effects of the surgery consider the cost involved. Liposuction surgery may cost from $2000-20,000, depending on how many areas need to be worked on.
With all these figures, you can plainly see why lipo alternatives are a hot topic now. Instead of the two week recovery time which is normal for liposuction, lipoalternatives require very little recovery time and only minor side effects. Approximately 90% of all the liposuction procedures that are done are from women and more than 60,000 are from men.
Doctors have made many advances in finding non-invasive alternatives to this sometimes dangerous surgery. There are several ways to sculpt your body with out surgery. There are 4 types of lipo alternatives that have been proven to be effective: Lipodissolve™, Mesotherapy, Thermage® and Body Sculpting.
Both Lipodissolve™ and Mesotherapy use injections of amino acids, holistic compounds and medications that are designed to melt body fat. 10 sessions are suggested with these lipoalternatives, but some patients actually notice results after just one session. There is also a no-needle therapy for Mesotherapy for those wanting to avoid the pain of injections. Both of these alternatives have minor side effects that disappear in a few days.
Thermage® is quoted as the no pain, no injection and little or no side effect procedure. Thermage® uses a non-invasive procedure which tightens the skin by using heat to promote collagen growth and promotes the melting of body fat. Body sculpting uses a cream placed on the troublesome area. Tight rubber bands are used to fasten the cream in place before sleeping. It is suggested to use the cream three times. This procedure has mixed reviews and is fairly inexpensive to use.
Cost of Treatments:
The body sculpting is very inexpensive compared to the other three treatments. The prices vary from clinic to clinic and depending on whether you require a nurse or a doctor to administer the treatments. Most clinics will offer some sort of financial plans to help patients afford these natural alternatives. It is best to investigate all the procedures first and then decide which one suits your budget and needs.
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